
I dream of marrying a pilot who is gone 3-4 days a week, or someone in the film industry who goes on location for months at a time. Clearly, I like my alone time and my personal space. 

I moved in with my brother after grad school for this reason. We were both in our mid-30s, still way too broke. By teaming up we managed to build some financial stability, repair a lot of family damage, and get on our feet again. It was the best decision we ever made. 

This is by far my biggest objection to open floor plans.

So much this. I think part of the reason why my marriage fell apart was because I subconsciously was irritated all the time because I didn’t have my own space to read, work on crafts, or just mindlessly browse the internet.

Having two living spaces is clutch. As much as two bedrooms is helpful, it’s also helpful to have spaces where both parties can be doing separate things uninterrupted. This goes for couples as well as roommate situations. The last house I rented with someone else, we chose because it had a living room and a finished

This article doesn’t really capture likely ways this would happen, I think.

For a not inconsiderable portion of the population marriage is as much an economic choice as an emotional one, though we're loath to admit it. Maintaining one household with two incomes (hopefully) is one of the few paths still open to build even a modest measure of wealth. Two houses for a married couple is for most

Harry inherited millions of pounds from his mother. They will be fine.

True but that 30 year old has lived life as an autonomous adult and has a fully formed brain so IS going to be more mature than a 15 year old no matter how immature for a 30 year old they are..

Suddenly, people begin asking: How did anyone ever think that was OK?

Bernie Bros* terrify me. I’m afraid that they will react in the exact same way this time if their messiah fails again to nab the nomination. That they will stay home, vote third party, or vote Trump. Because, really, how have they been harmed by the shitshow of the Trump administration? They’ll scream online again

It’s not even something you have to believe in, it’s a simple fact that evangelical Christians wake up every morning just asking to be scammed again.

Kim, either come get your man, or get a divorce lawyer right now. You have daughters with this a-hole.

Put it this way, it’s bad enough that even the Kentucky Republicans in the state legislature want an investigation of it.

Alabama almost elected a guy to the Senate that cruised the local mall for teen girls, because he wasn’t a Democrat.

I always said if I ever got a tattoo, it would be of cat nipples all the way down my torso because that would one day give all the nursing home workers a good laugh.

Can we vote for our favorites? Because I’d vote for “The President Learns to Blog”.

Weinstein has also reportedly reached a secretive $25 million settlement with over 30 accusers. In total, more than 80 women have made allegations against him.

If someone has to tell me they are a “good guy”, it’s a BIG red flag

Don’t they all? Don’t they always? The abusers always offer this as their last line od defense. The slavers, the genociders, the know, that the objects of their attention don’t know how good they had it. That if they’d have acted “right,” if they would have “behaved,” if they would have just