When I saw Amy come on screen, I straight-up squealed. “OMG, Amy!!!” She is perfection in every role.
When I saw Amy come on screen, I straight-up squealed. “OMG, Amy!!!” She is perfection in every role.
I have not yet seen this (because I am holding out on ponying up for yet another streaming service), but am just here to say - there is nothing that cannot be improved upon with the addition of Amy Sedaris. That is all.
Why wear suits 2 sizes too big or ties 4 inches too long? The man didn’t even know how to properly wear a waistcoat when he met the Queen. The oversized suits “make him look slimmer” and the ties “taller.” I’m sure he believes the orange makes him look healthier. There is literally no rationale to this man’s behavior.…
Except that’s willfully malicious misinterpretation of what was actually said.
The fact is, Charles never should have married Diana in the first place. They barely knew each other and he was in love with another woman. That Elizabeth undoubtedly insisted that Camilla was an “improper” choice probably has fueled a lot of his current anger-- “I did the ‘right’ thing and you let that moron do as he…
It’s utterly ridiculous that it took a crap interview to have Andrew stripped of his royal duties. It should’ve happened after he thought hanging out with a convicted sex offender was nbd.
It’s time to forgive Charles for his love for a woman his mother wouldn’t let him marry. We all loved Diana, but that relationship they were both forced into was destined to be a failure from the start. The real villain is not Charles, it’s the people who decided that they could impose an arranged royal marriage and…
She is 17 and was on Saturday Night Live earlier this season.
I very much enjoy this artist, to the point I’m kind of surprised by it. She’s a bit awkward and tone deaf sometimes, but hell, she’s 17. I think she carries herself well for a teenager.
“ In the past few years, the concept of emotional labor has gone mainstream on social media and in articles that revive and expand the idea, with the term moving out of the workplace and insidiously into our homes.”
Yes, that sometimes happens with words in a language. A word that started with a particular definition…
I think it’s also important to remember that 10-12 years ago, no one was available for constant texting, Facebook messaging, or video chatting. We’re now all suddenly supposed to be expected to drop everything for anyone the moment they reach out through any channel (and there are many!).
Just a couple thoughts:
Relationships are work, though. Not all work is paid, nor does it necessarily make sense to change that. But they are work, and they do involve labor. Being there for someone to rant to, providing them emotional support and/or advise, scheduling future get-togethers, figuring out how to communicate with different…
On the one hand, it IS good to check in with people before you’re about to dump something on them. It feels like an ambush sometimes when someone just dumps a bunch of heavy emotional stuff when you aren’t in a position to handle it or respond. If someone just woke up or is running late, they’re not going to be in a…
hot take
The abuse of this term is simply an indicator of how selfish and narcissistic our society has become. A friend simply asking you to be a friend to them in a time of need now requires “consent agreements” and notifying everyone around you of what a burden you’re forced to carry, listening to a friend that needs a…
Yeah, I agree with that stance for some purposes, but like... I suppose it was partly the way he wrote that particular bit, specifically as an aghast, “I’ll never understand why women would run with headphones,” that made me feel like, wait, seriously? You... really can’t understand that? Well that certainly calls…
Off topic, but I read that book on everyone everywhere’s recommendation and it... also felt kinda victim blamey at times? It was the bit where he was going on about “why would women run with headphones!” that eventually bummed me out, and that was on top of a bunch of other late 90s advice like never be drunk and…
Gladwell is assuming that if parents did complain, Nassar would have been removed. Hilarious!
Gladwell, a hack? No way. I’ve spent over 10,000 hours studying his work, so I can assure you that I am an expert.