I agree. The left tends to hem and haw and use too many words. He clearly is a coward. Let’s call him a coward. He clearly is a liar. Let’s call him a liar.
I agree. The left tends to hem and haw and use too many words. He clearly is a coward. Let’s call him a coward. He clearly is a liar. Let’s call him a liar.
I like the way you think.
I hope so. I really appreciate the fact that she appears to be the only person who cares about thinks like feeding people.
I love Sansa.
Mine is called Mr. Roboto.
I have some thoughts on this...First I hate mother’s day. I hate how it simplifies complex relationships into butterflies and rainbows. My mom was severely mentally ill, and an addict. When she was alive I would spend hours looking for a card that didn’t say something along the lines of “you are the best mom ever!”. I…
Towards the end of my marriage a therapist (!!!!) actually told me I needed to teach my ex to step up. I was too fucking tired to raise him as if he were another child. Ended up getting divorce which was the Best. Decision. Ever.
I feel you. It isn’t always so simple.
I agree so much. My partner now was a single parent for several years before we started our relationship, and I greatly appreciate that he takes care of doctor appointments, knows the kids sizes, etc. However I think it took being a single parent to get him to understand that mental load, and it is scary how easy it…
I agree, especially with the petulant and hostile comment. My ex husband WOULD eventually help if I asked him, but would be sulky and upset. It pissed me off so much. Like I shouldn’t have to deal with your attitude, it is your kid and your house too, why is the default me doing everything and you watching TV? It was…
So much truth. My ex husband had a close friend who bragged about how he intentionally would go on work trips and work to avoid the young kids, and intentionally got a car that their car seats wouldn’t fit in so he never had to drive them. And everyone (his wife, his friends, my ex) thought it was funny and charming.
I absolutely agree that talent is being kept out of the workforce because of this. I was 3 months postpartum when I started to work for my company. The deciding factor was the daycare adjacent to work, and the fact that the company pays 25% of childcare cost. This has saved me many thousands of dollars over the years…
I agree, this rhetoric is frightening.
I agree, they suck at military strategy. You would think they would be better at it by this point.
My partner is a military history nerd and was so frustrated with the battle. Apparently horses are supposed to be used to flank the attacking army and like you point out, the white walkers should not have been able to break the formation.
Mine too! So good!
Me too. I’m not all that big boobed, which may be the key. I like them because they are flattering and still fit if I gain or lose a couple of pounds. I had one that was my closet workhorse for like 12 years, looked good if I weighted 140 pounds or 175. Magical!
Yeah, I’ve read that women are more likely to kill men in self defense and yet tend to get more prison time. And men are more likely to kill women as part of a pattern of abuse, and yet get significantly less prison time.
Really interesting. I am quite strong and do kickboxing/MMA stuff for fun, but I certainly am smaller than the men in the group, which does put me at a disadvantage. However, I honestly do think that the mental disadvantage is so powerful. I was raised to be really girly and passive. I still find myself apologizing…
Holy shit that is intense. Good for you!