
I totally get that freeze response. Don’t be hard on yourself.

Agreed, I spent time in Rome in the early 2000s and it was insane the amount of blatant sexual harassment that happened.

Biological urges to procreate? IDK. I have an 8 year old. I found the first years so hard. But he is amazing now, such a cool person, and it is really fun to spend time with him and see him grow and develop.

That’s really great that you did that. My dog died a couple of months ago after 12 years with me. Right before she died she was shedding a lot, and I brushed her thoroughly and had bags of fur. I wish I would have kept that. After she died I found little clumps of fur around the house and it made me so sad thinking

YES! This is the kind of good news we need in these dark times.

It’s always been clear to me that the “pro-life” movement is really a thinly veiled anti-woman movement. Nice to see them ripping off the veil and making it obvious.

I like this plan.

I just can’t get over the dippy looks on her face. Her go to seems to be a blank eyed slack jawed expression, and I honestly don’t understand it.

Same. Damn those ethics keeping me from making money off suckers...

That really is a pretty duvet cover...I may have an IKEA trip in my near future. Damn it!

You are a genius.

As a parent of an almost 8 year old boy, I really appreciate you sharing your strategy for dealing with this.

Yeah, my fiance gave me his grandma’s ring. I love it, very small diamonds in a flower like setting. Really feminine and vintage. I love the symbolism that it has been in his family, and his grandma was married for 60 years. Plus it was free and I don’t need to feel guilty about the environmental and human rights

That makes so much sense! I didn’t know that, but a lot of what he does seems to be more therapy based and less culture.

What a tragedy.

I agree with everything you say. Plus, the supplement industry is so unregulated, you don’t even know if you are getting what they say is in the pill.

You and your logic!

What the fuck? I am speechless. What the fuck?

This is beyond horrible. I am so sorry.

I really hope so...So far though she seems to be getting out smelling like roses.