Agreed, there are valid reasons that people mistrust institutions including medical institutions, which feeds into anti vaxx conspiracies.
Agreed, there are valid reasons that people mistrust institutions including medical institutions, which feeds into anti vaxx conspiracies.
I stepped on a rusty nail a few months back. It hurt. You know what didn’t happen though? I didn’t get tetanus. Because I went to the doctor to make sure I didn’t have debris in the puncture, got antibiotics just in case and got a tetanus booster.
Makes me happy that she is selling out though...
She is heavily featured on my songs to listen to when I am feeling crappy and need to perk up playlist.
AHHHHH I love her so much! Need to get tickets for her tour.
I haven’t seen this, but my understanding from reading many parenting and child psychology books (because I had abusive parents and want to do better), is that it is very common for kids to blame their parents for abuse by others. Part is rooted in child/teen psychology where there is this magical thinking that their…
I think there is some truth to that, but many households are not naked. And many are super judgemental. My mom always told me I would be so pretty if I just lost 10 pounds. And after birth my mother in law went on and on about how she left the hospital in her pre-pregnancy jeans. Meanwhile, I was pretty doughy, had an…
I have mixed feelings about this. I really struggled with the weight gain of pregnancy, and felt huge and tremendous pressure to slim down ASAP once my baby was born. I really struggled with how I looked. I think I would have benefited from seeing more diverse images, even if they were selling something. I guess I…
It’s so tough seeing someone act self destructively. There’s not much you can do, but it is hard to see.
Me too. My dog died Monday and I have eaten only sporadically since. I am not hungry but I did get dizzy enough to almost fall over yesterday at work while leading a presentation for a bunch of people which sparked me to eat a cookie...I don’t do not eating well.
Agreed. I don’t see how this kind of self examination and self improvement is different than narcissism.
One of my aunts has hair that went from a dull grey in her late 40s to 50s to a bright silvery white as she hit her 60s, so maybe it will continue to change.
Sadly I think that IS the thought process for some of these “family values” conservatives. Assholes.
Oh wow that is crazy!
Oh yeah, it has saved me many thousands of dollars over the years. My kid is now 7 and needs care before and after school, so I am still taking advantage of the discount. AND they had a sweet deal with the daycare where we could get in at the head of the line for childcare which was good as infant care is hard to…
Good for her! Also can we talk about how fantastic she looks with that silvery white hair? She seems to get more gorgeous every year.
This is deeply fucked up and my heart goes out to her, and others in her situation. It’s ironic, “family values” politicians do nothing to actually help families.
There is still such stigmas for men seeking treatment for depression or going to counseling. Good for him for doing this and I hope he can be a role model.
Agreed...I have always felt like some people are swimming with a life vest, while when depressed, I am trying to not drown with no life jacket and weights tied to me.
Not going to college seems like a good choice when I look at the loan debt that many of my peers have. My partner works a blue collar job and makes around the same as my friends with BAs do, and they are dealing with soul crushing debt.