
Balls to that. You try to take my Key Lime Flip away from me and I’ll cut you like bad bangs.

Good for Chobani for stivking up for itself and its employees. They also chose to deliebratly not sue for an large sum so that they could rob this asshat of any talking points. To me at least, it shows they filed the suit in order to stand up for their refugees they employee. Also kudos for making a point to hire

I’m still worried that we’ll end up with President Pence *shudders*.

Remember scandals before trump?

one downside to the special counsel approach: special counsel can, in fact, be fired. and the person who has the authority to do that is: the attorney general. an independent commission would have been preferable. i won’t break out the good champagne, but i’ll have a glass of moderately-priced cava.

Your weekly reminder that Alex Jones is only 43 years old. Seriously, how does someone age so rapidl... oh wait, yes, I see it now.

Seeing as Alex Jones has a body that resembles warm yogurt poured into a hefty bag, I find this fitting.

He asked for her to leave, and she did. It’s clear he was giving some bad vibes anyway.

Based on this guy’s INSANE overreaction and creepy AF efforts to track her down to get his money back, my guess is the date had already been going horribly and she was looking for a way out. I can’t believe there are responses on this thread saying they’re equally shitty people. She texted in a movie; he is contacting

I think he is much, much worse. Like holy shit, dude.

I’m with you they’re both shitty people

He’s got lotion delivery set up on Amazon Prime, that’s for sure.

You should have told the usher and then requested a refund.

How many women does this guy have buried in his basement? Jw

Sorry, but it’s hard to focus on the big screen in front of you when there is a small, brighter, glowing screen much closer. Unless it’s an emergency, it can wait. And if it is an emergency, well then leave the theater.

I’m getting pissed because the GOP spin is slowly turning into “If this is obstruction Comey is complicit...”

Personally, I think that the entire Executive Branch, or at least those members of it that trace their posts back to Trump, should be swept clean in the event the Election is determined to be fatally tainted. Unfortunately, I envision some mealy-mouthed compromise (in the interests of “national healing,” no doubt),

A PPP poll had 48% of respondents in favor of impeachment earlier today - and that was before Trump gave Israeli secrets to Russia, and this memo dropped.

Considering an actual audio tape of him talking about grabbing pussies didn’t seem to hurt him in the least, I’m not holding my breath.