
Aziz Ansari doesn’t deserve the level of vitriol directed at Louis CK et al. CK masturbated to his subordinates then blackballed them with his influence. Aziz Ansari thought he was getting a groupie one night stand, she thought it was a date. Neither of them clarified their expectations for the night. He was an

Yeeeeah, they know the rules damn well. They just don’t want to follow the rules, and they’re just hoping the woman won’t speak up about it. Tale as old as time.

I have the same sorts of feelings. My old league held a lot of co-ed scrims and experienced too many skeevy male refs and skaters. Was not fond of skating with most of the guys, either, because most were not good teammates and were unnecessarily rough.

100% they don’t care. Men are not idiots. They understand the word “no.”

Currently, there is one accusation of non-male on non-male assault (not sure how the people involved identify except they are not cis male or identifying as male), two more of bullying and the usual outrage over someone making posts or comments on social media.

Everything you need to know you learned in kindergarten, indeed.

I mean I can’t wait for the day when men decide to stop participating in things so I can finally go to a party and not have to worry about being touched inappropriately or having gross comments made to me or being hounded around the room by some fucking dude. Oh, please, no, don’t stay home! Whatever shall we do

Former male skater here. I quit because the dudes were so skeevy. Everyone’s body was a subject to be commented on, and every minor detail and instruction had to be overloaded with innuendo. It could have been fun and the bad actors were a statistical minority, but nobody ever did anything about them. There was one

Logic wold be not to touch women you aren’t in a relationship with inappropriately, or at all, because there is no reason to do it.

I get so angry these days whenever I hear some jackass complaining about how “nobody knows what the rules are for dealing with women now!”

She wrote that Quadzilla, the camp’s coach, sat down next to her, put his hand on her thigh, and moved it upwards. She also wrote that she removed his hand three times before he stopped.

“Roller derby is probably one of the last places you’d expect to see a textbook example of #MeToo.”

YEh the minute it became co-ed, this should no longer have been a surprise. (Obviously still something that happened even when women only, but I’m willing to bet exponentially less so)
Sorry not sorry, I have conflicting

Fair enough. I think my main point is that given the way her ex-husband has been acting ever since she left him, I don’t believe a word he says. I therefore assume that Frances Bean must have had reasons to handle things the way she did. Spousal support ensures that you are still somewhat tied together legally, maybe

I don’t know, there was some back and forth but she seemed to think it was better to let him keep it than pay spousal support which, frankly, unless the support was for an unlimited amount of time -and not even then imho-was a dumb thing to do. I’d have taken the guitar and appealed on how much and how long the

What kind of shitbag monster do you have to be to refuse to give a woman her famous dead dad’s guitar???? idgaf if it was a gift or what the prenup said; that is fucking vile. Deport this fucker from the planet already.


The courts could only force them to return it if it could be proven they took it or have it. These people must have access to hundreds of climate controlled places to store something as small as a guitar. They don’t need the guitar to sell it or display it, only to get it back from Silva.

I mean, he didn’t die.