
Look at where his hand is in that pic -- it is on her ass, and Swift is also clearly leaning very much away from him.

There’s a handful of pretty, successful women (call it Anne Hathaway Syndrome) that are disliked for nebulous reasons. Mostly because they are earnest and are open about their desire to be successful, as best I can tell.

Now that she’s got him on the record denying that this particular witness is qualified because she’s not trained in psychology and has never been an expert witness, when she calls the 20 psychologist expert witnesses she’s no doubt got lined up, he’ll have fewer grounds to dispute their qualifications.

Why are we supposed to hate her again?

Give your Grandma my love! :0)

“Oh, you were giving up.”

Now THAT is gold. GO GRANDMA!

it’s really tricky for escorts - sometimes, even with the neon vests saying “clinic volunteer” or “pro-choice”, people think we’re antis. And now the good, christian protesters are wearing similar vests in an attempt to deceive people.

Thank you. I recently suportted a friend during a visit to a local PP and was so grateful for the escorts. Having never witnessed a visit to a clinic before I was surprised by the protesters. I told her we’d walk arm and arm and to only listen to my voice, when I noticed a man approaching my car door, I threw my arm

Arguh. The fucking GoPros. I had an encounter with a few bigots at Tampa Pride wearing GoPros, bearing signs, and using megaphones to disrupt the fucking Pulse Shooting Memorial.

Sex offenders are ok though. Because of course they are.

It’s worse than medieval. It wasn’t until the late 1800s that taking abortifacients before the “quickening,” when the woman can feel the fetus moving, was purportedly ‘wrong.’ Abortion likely has been a part of human history for as long as pregnancy has been. All the temper tantrums by antichoice nuts won’t change

there’s a federal law, the FACE (Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances) act, which prohibits blocking the doors. However, it’s really fucking difficult to get local police to enforce it. It’s doubtful whether the fucksticks who were arrested today will face charges.

I agree 100%. I had to get a d&c a few years back after a miscarriage and was able to go straight from the ER to the hospital’s in house abortion clinic. Abortion is healthcare, it needn’t be sequestered from other healthcare.

Wait, they were straight-up standing in front of the clinic doors? Yeah....can’t do that. Even the angriest Scalia dissents in the abortion clinic protest cases make it clear that states can obviously prevent that because.....duh

Why can’t the police ever use excessive force when it’s really, really warranted?

I threw in Dr to Tiller to remind us of all the doctors, nusrses and countless others in the health industry who have given their lives and continue to put their lives on the line to protect our access to safe abortions. We can beat these anti choice nut jobs.

“That is a tremendous opportunity before you all to become the first surgically abortion-free state in the United States of America and so, we’re praying Kentucky will lead the way out of this blood guiltiness that’s upon the land.”

Planned Parenthoid vs Casey, recently affirmed by the Whole Women’s Health case, says its unconstitutional to place an undue burden on abortion. Making abortion completely inaccessible in your state is the very definition of an undue burden. Also, the First Amendment to the Constitution prevents the establishment of