Uh, remove the word upper and that’s pretty much my life.
Uh, remove the word upper and that’s pretty much my life.
Personal taste but I found him one of the least bangable cast members.
Milo’s finished, so is Tomi Lahren, O’Reilly’s off the air for now, Jones just admitted on record that he’s a fraud...
I’m, like, unsure about this one. Is it so stupid that it’s entertaining or just a waste of time? I believe the lead is the guy who was the worst character on Vikings, so it already has a strike against it.
The Robb Stark Medici show fell into the “so bad it’s entertaining” category for me.
Christ on a cracker, worse acting than The White Queen (which I enjoyed nonetheless) it must be BRUTAL.
Although we weren’t planning on flying United, I’m seriously starting to second guess taking my children (one of whom is autistic) on a flight this summer. There seems to be general confusion by airline personnel between a slight disruption vs an actual emergency.
Fellow McGill alumni here.
Riigghhtt, people from Canada and Western Europe are going to stay in the US...so their standard of living can decrease? So they lose free medical care? Solid reasoning those commenters don’t have.
I could watch The Wire on a loop. The Sopranos never did it for me though, I couldn’t relate to any of the female characters.
I love how the definition of family and friends is really, really loose in dumb movies. I think my favourite part of hate watching Suicide Squad was when the burning domestic abuser sacrificed himself for the others because they were “family” (otherwise known as a group of people you just met and walked around with…
Yes, what is up with that? It’s why I got rid of cable in the first place.
I have an irrational hatred of Crave tv.
Same case as that series with Jason Momoa, which is filmed in Canada, is about the Canadian fur trade...and is only on US Netflix.
Where did you find Sorels for that price, I’m jealous.
Huzzah for the ousting of Bannon and all but does this mean even more power for Blank Eyes Kushner? If so I’m conflicted because I just hate them all so much.
My parents bought my 5 year old a pair of winter boots this year, they weren’t particularly cheap (60 bucks) and they had holes within a month. Never again.
It wouldn’t be so bad if the articles were in sequential order, but on my feed it seems random. This gives me anxiety.
Payless in Canada is not even that cheap, so there’s really no point to its existence.
I think this is so true in many professions. I work in education and because male teachers are so rare that they’re treated like special, special unicorns.