
Yep some democrats are assholes too so that means Trump’s spawn are swell, you sure showed me!

My students chose 7 Years as their song for our end of the year concert. I have PTSD.

That these American Psycho looking fuckers should have influence over anything is just too much to bear.

There aren’t many women left who can rock a feather boa like Zsa Zsa did.

If that starts happening watch how quickly martial law will be imposed and then bam, we’re all living in Panem or Gilead or (insert worst dystopia here).

It was! Even my picky kid ate.

My husband is the better gift giver in our relationship, but we’ve come to terms with it. We are limiting gifts to stocking stuffers this year and spending gift money on a short family trip.

I’ve never done this, but I’m curious, were you planning on staying with him? I think I’d book a hotel initially to be cautious.

What a good girl!

Freezing here on the east coast as well.

I’m sorry to hear that, I hope you’re safe and well now.

I really had the nicest day. Bought a Christmas tree at the farmers market and the fixings for homemade soupe aux pois, with artisanal cheese, bread and saucisson. Made a gingerbread house with the kids and listened to holiday music.

Everytime I had my routine checkup with my obgyn I would see the same 5 women in the waiting room who were at the same stage of pregnancy as me. Two of the partners of these women were at every single appointment and went in to see the doctor with them. There are a lot of prenatal, although my hubs came to a few with

Nixon was actually far more socially liberal than most of the current GOP. Which is just sad.

I wish. The Republican Party is like Littlefinger, they’d rather rule over the ashes than do something good and courageous.


Sorry Ulysses S Grant, Trump’s a lock for your number one spot:

Now I’m no big city doctor, but I will prescribe Netflix, a fluffy blanket and wine (hot chocolate if you’re not a wine drinker, but that’s definitely not as effective)

And this whole never seeing each other is not exclusive to the rich and famous. When Mr.Needlessly-Defiant works nights the kids and I only see him on weekends. Stars, they’re just like us!

As a mom of 2, this does not offend me. Although my judgement could be clouded because I fucking loved that bra while pumping 8 times per day for 6 months.