
To be fair to Kim, when you’ve got young kids it’s sometimes hard to tell if a partner is having a mental breakdown or is just leaning into the general chaos.

Ah reading Jackie Collins books with a flashlight under the covers. Good times.

Although I think SS is hated by both men and women, there were a few misogynistic lines that just left me with my mouth hanging open.

Bats vs Supes was just long and incredibly boring. Suicide Squad was actually offensive.

I also vaguely remember reading she was raised by a single mom who was a doctor.

I hate watched Suicide Squad last weekend. Even going in knowing it was awful, I was still shocked at how fucking trash it was and wanted to discuss. I’m assuming Chrissy had a similar experience.

Or, or, maybe she’s lying about the cat’s name to attain the honor that is Double Creature.

Be forewarned they will infect you anyways.

Is that supposed to be a riddle?

WHO’S hosting the show? Sorry, I can never, ever let go of a joke.

Haven’t even wanted to drunken hate watch this. And I drunken hate watch all sorts of stupid crap (I’m looking at you with a slight hangover Suicide Squad).

Is it possible to not give them bail at all? It just seems like a huge risk.

I’m thinking a $100 000 bond is way too little. Wasn’t there a similar case recently where the man posted bond, then returned to finish the job?

I can only imagine the scene after my D&C if some asshole began harassing me to give a bag of tissue a funeral. I’m sure hospital workers are thrilled that they get to enforce this on grieving couples.

OF COURSE they care about kids after they’re born. Who else is going to work in the coal mines and Dickensian poorhouses that will surely flourish under Herr Trump?

What? An early miscarriage is mostly blood and gunk? There’s no perfectly formed miniature baby to put in a super cute miniature casket?

Abbott told supporters that the new rule was necessary because he doesn’t believe that fetal tissue should be “treated like medical waste and disposed of in landfills.”

Ha, I was singing that to myself while I wrote the comment.

VERY erudite! Fellow history nerd here, although my studies focused on medieval to Restoration British history. So thanks, you taught me something!

We should start an atheist religious Christmas song enthusiasts club. I actually took my kids to a Christmas concert at my mom’s church today and my 5 year old asked her if a picture of Jesus was “Santa when he was young”.