I mean, aren’t all comedians mocking Trump at this point? How deluded are these people (will answer own question, extremely deluded).
I mean, aren’t all comedians mocking Trump at this point? How deluded are these people (will answer own question, extremely deluded).
There are actually quite a few early colonial contemporary accounts about the graveyard fucking.
I did a research paper on sexual mores in high medieval England. Apple orchards and graveyards were the go to sex spots in times when large families shared small spaces.
Yes my kids decimated North American orchards single handed.
You can fit a lot of apples in that butt scarf.
I’ll bet those old-timey harvesters’ kids never took one bite and then tossed approximately 50 apples each, like my tiny hooligans did at the orchard.
I live in Québec. Pro-lifers aren’t unheard of here, but are roundly ignored. When I was at university there were a couple of pro-life rallies where they bussed in Americans. Even then, their protests never worked out and they were always outnumbered by counter-protesters. There are more conservative pockets in Canada…
My American Jezzie friends have explained to me numerous times why certain groups have so much hatred towards a health service, but my mind still has trouble accepting it. I mean hospitals also provide abortions, because it’s health care. Animosity towards a health provider is just incomprehensible for those of us in…
Non-Breitbart citation of this harassment and intimidation please.
I’d like to see non Breitbart citations of this threatening and enabling please.
Look, if my hubs commits a crime, I am not responsible for his ass. And Bill Clinton hasn’t been charged with any crimes yet.
It did!
Leonardo DiCaprio reportedly called him an “idiot”.
Exactly, if Republicans were capable of rational discourse, a point could be made that with Bill’s reputation, perhaps he shouldn’t be involved beyond a ceremonial role in the White House.
Having experienced infertility and miscarriage I actually had to stop watching the documentary Tig at a certain point because I got so upset for her. I was ridiculously happy when I heard that her and her partner succeeded in having children.
Apparently because of Benghazi and witchcraft.
If Buffy taught us anything, it’s that some demons are pretty alright.
Has anyone on the Bill Clinton’s a rapist train been able to semi-coherently explain why that’s Hillary’s problem?
I’m shocked he didn’t blame 50 Shades of Grey, Beyoncé and Magic Mike. Because those 3 things are responsible for EVERYTHING.
I read some aloud to my husband so we could make fun of it, does that count?