This sounds like a VC Andrews book! I wonder if there’s a gothic mansion, a creepy groundskeeper and inappropriate family relations?
This sounds like a VC Andrews book! I wonder if there’s a gothic mansion, a creepy groundskeeper and inappropriate family relations?
Yeah, I didn’t have any particular objection to what she was saying till I got to “sexual integrity”.
It sounds positively Trumpian.
demonstrating for the jury with his hand.
I think her father is also a lawyer. And after seeing what happened with Nicole Kidman, I’m sure custody of Suri was the most important thing in the divorce.
Or he’s a sex idiot?
I wonder how the victim feels about it though.
Grade 9 English class. It made me feel...things.
That movie was all kinds of fun. I feel like watching it now!
I was going to say the more you know about a comedian the less funny they are. Then I thought about Tig Notaro for whom the opposite was true. Maybe Amy Schumer was just never that funny.
It’s actually reassuring to hear morning stress gagging & puking is not unique to me.
My son starting kindergarten is also on the ASD and that makes things all the more anxiety inducing. Mine is also so sweet that I worry constantly about his little heart.
Internet hugs! Does your job offer any type of help for depression (mine has a hotline to call for a laundry list of mental health problems and they steer you towards the right resources).
Hurricane coverage seems A LOT more intense than it used to be. Remember for every Katrina and Sandy there are many, many hurricanes that don’t make land, that are downgraded to tropical storms, etc.
Jezzies, how do you deal with stress?
I suspect there’s a pretty large contingent of Americans who believe they’ll be welcomed by any country they choose to go to. As a Canadian I remember after Bush 2 was elected having to break the news to a few American acquaintances that immigrating from the US to Canada is actually pretty difficult.
I realize that immigration laws serve a purpose. But if I was in a country where my children were in danger, or where poverty was inescapable, I’d do whatever I could to get them out. Responding to illegal immigration in such a punitive fashion is just cruel.
But also, why are these women treating him like he raped someone? He’s not Bill Cosby; Kurt has never raped.
I couldn't believe how many of the F-Listers have had children I never heard of. A C-Lister would have milked some publicity out of their pregnancy.
Mine just started kindergarten too and I think I may need anti-anxiety medication to deal (and it’s been going fine save one pee pants incident). Sending him off on a plane alone would be my version of hell.