
This whole deal, is, by far, the dumbest fucking thing I’ve ever seen in my 34 years of existence. What in the actual fuck is this, and what kind of absolute fucking imbecile would pay for any of this? What is this for? What is the purpose? What are you even “playing”?

No. It’s C&C Music Factory’s song, because they didn’t credit someone how they should or whatever, doesn’t mean it’s not their song. They performed music for years before and after.

As someone whose dad’s name is Bruce, that episode has made me laugh for almost 30 years. 

These “reviews” are always the same. They’re written by Chat GPT Sycophant Movie Critic v2.o. They do this for every movie that comes out practically. These people just want to keep getting invited to these premiers. I’m sure this movie is good, but just once I really want to someone to just say “The movie was hot

Early reactions by influencers paid to share opinions are... positive?


One of the people praising it goes on to compare it to a prequel Star Wars, which I don’t think is the glowing recommendation he thinks it is.

This is why the whole multiverse thing is a lead weight around the neck of Marvel.

Nothing matters, there are infinite versions of everyone. There’s no peril or dramatic tension, nothing has consequence.

Get out of here with your down-to-earth ideas! We learned in Suit-School that you need huge budgets and more bling and lots of cocaine to make money.

Single-player games *are* thriving. The issue is companies making shitty games and expecting them to sell, because “ohhhh! CoD with magic!!! Look at the pretty graphics”. I am glad the era of gamers eating that shit up is over (it is over, isn’t it)?

The New York Times actually has a great deal of editorial cohesion. Most news outlets do. Its why something like the Times is typically rated as having a bias towards the political Left while Fox News has a bias towards the political Right. Media agencies don’t just pump out random shit without checking their previous

The lesson here should be that you don’t try to kick-start a new AAA franchise with a AAA budget and AAA expectations. Marketing and advertising are no replacement for the organic hype of people telling other people to play it!

Its called having an editor.

Agreed. Singleplayer games are as popular as ever but they have their own requirements. A generic FPS as a single player game likely isn’t to be too popular, but RPGs, or other things are popular as ever, like anything you need to understand the genre and design it approperately

As far as I know Lies of P has done decent for itself (though perhaps you don’t consider the Pinnochioness of it as a new IP). At this point most games are part of an already existing franchise, and single-player success stories have been abundant in that realm the past year. There were some high-profile duds, sure,

Yeah but this game was so generic and bland that I don’t think it had a chance at all. Like it just never looked good. It is a shooter that has been painted to look like magic but never really functions in a way that uses that to an advantage.

We just got out of a year where we had...

Yup. Sony is killing it with single player games like TLOU, GoW, Spider-Man and more. BG3 and others as well sell like crazy. This entire article is clickbait. EA made another poor game, end of story.

Yeah, but Baldur’s Gate is also an established franchise, not to mention the DnD tie-in. I’m really struggling to think of a single-player release in the last year that was successful AND an original IP. Only ones that come to mind are Slay the Princess and Dave the Diver.

I’m saying there should be editorial cohesion from a site pretending to be something other than a blog.

Funny how much of a deal this site made about Hogwarts player count dropping by much less than this after 6 months yet when its a game you don’t have a hate-on for it you say it doesn’t matter. You cant have it both ways.