
Eh. I watched Part 1 and was mostly bored. Yes, I know. World building. But I first need to care about the characters and the plot before I want to learn about the world.

Ubisoft only knows how to make three types of gameplay loops and all of their games follow one of those loops. News at 11.

How do I feel? Shocked and surprised, mostly. But MS has no one to blame, but themselves. They had the console world in their hands during the 360/PS3 era and threw it all away chasing trends and ignoring the simple fact that games sell gaming consoles. Not TV. Not sports. Not gimmick motion controls. Not your user

You’d be surprised. Many states still differentiate between rape and sexual assault/sexual battery based on organ entered what opening.

Thinking about it further, shouldn’t biological women be the ones to rebrand “cunt”? Since it’s original definition refers to their genitals. Why are drag queens trying to co-opt it? I’m a white guy who listens to hip hop. Does that mean I can co-opt the n-word? None of this makes sense.

So a minority of a minority of a minority is trying to to rebrand the word “cunt”? Yeah, good luck with that.

My assumption is nonconsensual anal penetration was legally titled sexual assault and my guess is the delay in passing the law is that the punishments for “rape” (nonconsensual insertion of an penis into a vagina) and sexual assault are roughly the same. Hence, you might have an argument from some lawmakers that all

Took the words right out of mouth. I'm going to try and assume good intentions and guess that was a typo or autocorrect fail, but what the hell else was it supposed to be?

Wow. Just wow. This game is an ever evolving shit storm that I don’t think I’ve seen in years.

None of the above changes the big issue with the game: the crappy, Agents of Mayhem-looking gameplay. You can't shine shit. You can't put lipstick on a pig

If the original poster can make blanket statements like any Dem can beat any GOP anywhere, why can’t I make blanket statements about certain segments of the United States, based on historical voting data?

The original poster said that any Dem will beat any GOP anywhere by hammering on abortion rights. It’s not true. There are populations that no Dem will ever have a chance of winning.

Serious question, have you lived in Bible Belt? Because what you’re stating is absolute nonsense. There’s plenty of places in this country that will vote against pro-choice candidates all day, every day. How else do you explain people like Marjorie Taylor Green or Matt Gaetz?

Jesus Christ. Absolute nonsense. This website needs to stay away from politics, until it’s writers have taken some basic fucking high school U.S. government classes. And you guys wonder why this website is constantly on the brink of being shut down?

Wait a minute. I thought this website was tired of discussing this game?

Quite a shining review from a website that posted this two months ago:

Yeah, except the couple times I’ve tried to make anonymous calls to the police to report neighbors doing dangerous criminal shit, the cops always require your name and address and then promise they won’t come to your door because they know you don’t want your criminal neighbors knowing you reported them, but then the

Tough, ladies. The general public that you hope to represent have a right to be able to research your personal background before voting for you and this law helps them do that. This isn’t an anti-trans issue.

Some of you guys need a refresher on basic American civics. Until Congress sends Biden a bill to sign that makes abortion legal in all 50 states or a Constitutional amendment that does the same, there’s not much he can do. The Supreme Court has spoken and the only way to override that is an act of Congress.

Noise, runoff, potential sinkholes, potential damage to water/sewage/electrical/gas/telephone/tv/Internet lines. Need I continue? This woman is a menace and why HOAs, despite being a pain in the ass sometimes, need to exist. And she's continuing this knowing her neighbors are immigrants of questionable legal status,