
I’m a HUGE VR fanboy, I use my Quest 2 near-daily, but man, the PSVR2 just doesn’t have sufficient software to make me want to buy one. Horizon and the Until Dawn Rush of Blood follow-up both interest me but not $800 CAD interest me.

Step 1: Release VR headset at an exorbitant asking price.

No surprise. So many issues with this product. The price, lack of software, and no backwards compatibility being the biggest issues. 

I love a good Sony PlayStation fire sale!

Yeah this is par for the course by now. Buyer beware from them

How does Aspyr keep getting the rights to work on these Star Wars games they clearly don’t have the ability to properly complete and ship?

Everything remake/port Aspyr has touched has been hot garbage, and so anyone who actually expected a KOTOR remake to release, let alone not be straight ass, was deluding themselves to an unhealthy degree.

Maybe they should fix the most basic problems first, like some first person weapons being cut off/incomplete or the general mess of a UI

Thank you beta testers, we appreciate your hard work and purchase.”

That would explain why Americans refuse to apologize about a lot of things, from nuking Japan to anything regarding racism.

Investors, this is your signal: SELL. The boss had told you they’re going all-in on a known, proven, losing formula. Don’t get caught holding the bag.

Welp - Can’t argue with the ‘Suicide’ description!  

I don’t care. WB is failing all over the board with their business decisions. Making movies then cancelling them, making games and then changing them, fuck em.

I dont mean to make this overtly political, but over the past 40 years, one political party in particular has been using social wedge issues to win elections.  That includes telling a portion of the country they should never have to feel even remotely sorry about anything, no matter how awful the behavior is.  That

Feels like WB’s about to try the ‘They don’t like it so force-feed it to them’ approach to their next live service games.

I’m gonna open a store next to the WB Games office that only sells pants and I’m gonna call it a Hat Store. I’m gonna be fuckin rich boy.

It’s no longer about giving us quality games. It’s about turning console games into app games with in game purchases. Look, I’m not a competitive gamer. I don’t play Fortnite, Apex and COD players to prove I’m the best player. At that point it becomes a sport. I hate sports! I like to go on single player action/adventu

Oh good, so not only did they learn the opposite of what Suicide Squad’s failure should have taught them, they’ve also decided to only milk four franchises from now on.

“Nobody comes to work in video game development trying to make anyone angry,”

Oh boo hoo, sounds like someone’s panties are in a wad over releasing sub-par products because some exec needs their cash infusion from purchases and pre-orders. Don’t release sub-par or unfinished products and you won’t get as much backlash.