
That specific? No, but I guarantee you all HOAs have rules against adding infrastructure or building additional expansions to your property, which this would fall under. As a lawyer and a former HOA president, I promise you the HOA has the legal authority to shut this woman down, as they should. She's going to kill

If she’s so concerned about the lack of accountability from the men involved, what’s stopping her from turning state’s evidence and testifying against every single one of them?

To be fair to movie and TV studio heads, it takes a long time to make TV and film sometimes. The Barbie movie has been in various stages of production since like 2013, back when Amy Schumer was attached to be Barbie. And then you add in the COVID delays and the recent strike, there's probably hundreds of projects in

Ding, ding, ding. We have a winner. Until I see otherwise, I'm assuming this is your standard Ubisoft mono-game. All the same missions, activities, side quests, etc. that are in every other Ubisoft game, just with slightly different names.

My theory is they know they’ll lose, but if they don’t at least make it look like they’re trying, they’ll lose the support of extremist Christians and thus get primaried out of job and replaced by some Trump-backed whackjob.

This article is some serious fucking Microsoft ass kissing, revisionist history. Like, I’m seriously speechless. Thankfully, many other commenters have pointed out all that's wrong here.

You weren't paying attention. All the news, both official and leaked, all indicated that this was going down the GAAS route.

Jesus Christ. This article again? You’ve been re-open for, what, a week? And you're already reposting the same shit? You guys aren’t making the best argument for why you should still be around.

The mom is free to express herself on social media, however her employer is free to say they don’t want to employ her anymore because of those social media posts and, as she also a customer of this private school, they’re free to say we do not wish to do business with her based on her social media posts.

Sucks for the kid, but that’s the cost of going to a private school. They don’t have to accept you. They can ban or expell you based on their own internal policies. Also, as a employee of the school, surely his mom’s contract had some morality clauses regarding behavior on social media (I’m a former teacher, these are

Good luck. This site, and all of the Gawker network generally, have been on a decline for years.

As far as I'm concerned, any developer originating from Russia, China, or Korea, I'm just going to assume is a fraud.

I find this article to be absolutely ridiculous, considering how much digital ink this website spent talking about TLOU2.

Jiggle physics for breasts = bad, juvenile, problematic, and misogynistic.

Wow. It’s almost as though physical media aficionados have been saying for years that situations like this are an obvious outcome to an all digital future.

Maybe, just maybe, after decades of following the same formula ad nauseam, people are tiring of Bethesda-style RPGs.

Yeah, I considered those arguments and found them lacking. The Geth and EDI are hardware and software, no matter how advanced. They are machines. They are not alive.

So what you’re saying is I don’t believe that machines are alive, therefore I’m fine with a human abusing another human. Yeah, that’s bullshit. Humans are alive. Animals are alive. Plants, fungus, and bacteria are alive. Machines made of hardware and software are not alive.

The Geth and EDI are not living beings. They are machines built by living beings to serve a purpose and as such, their creators can choose to decommission them when they are outdated or unnecessary. Therefore, it is not genocide to destroy them.

Soooooooooo, he wrote a script with a part for her in mind, which he probably hoped would let him get into her pants?