
I think you’re spot on. If you’re running for public office, you had better have a clean fucking record, because everyone and their mother is going to try and dig something up on you to knock you down a peg. Look, I have no problem with consenting adults engaging in sex work, but guess what? Not everyone in the world

The life long Democrat in me says, “Let them fight.” The federal employee, who just had his first child, in me says, “If this continues, will the budget be affected? Will I be furloughed? Will I get paid?”

Does anyone know anything about this woman other than (a) she dated Kanye briefly and (b) was in Uncut Gems? Why does the media insist on trying to make her a thing when she hasn't actually accomplished anything of any note?

And now let’s all watch as Microsoft (a) completely squanders all of these IPs as they've done for the last two generations and (b) again fails to make a dent in the Sony/Nintendo dominance.

Good. I don't want anyone tarnishing the original. It's nigh perfect.

Oh boy, it's this article again, just in case you missed it the last 12 times it was posted. What's next? A former NFL cheerleader is going to tell us NFL cheerleaders are under paid?

The kids no doubt have dual citizenship, so she has as equal a right to move them to England as he has to keep them in the States. I guarantee this will ultimately be resolved by a negotiated settlement.

Ding ding ding. Did her conservatorship go on too long? Possibly, but the only reason a judge would enact a conservatorship was if there something seriously wrong with her and there seems to be enough evidence that there might still be something wrong with her.

Bad actress known only for her looks is a bad actress and was used only because horny, nerds might remember her from the Transformers movies. News at 11.

What a complete waste of time. It was like 90% identical to the last Sony event.

Can someone explain to me what the women who willingly have children with people like Elon Musk or Nick Cannon are thinking? Is it as simple as the size of the child support checks? Is it some misguided idea that they'll be famous as a result? Why are they intentionally setting themselves up to be single moms?

Employers wouldn’t have that kind of power of employees didn’t give it up by signing these type of contracts. The best way to protect workers rights is to not work for these type of organizations. The more people who do it, the more it's normalized.

Jesus. The only thing worse than white libertarians is Indian libertarians who want to be white. They try and overcompensate.

Sensationalist headline. The teacher signed a morality contract with the school, she breached it, and the school terminated the contract as per the contract. The lesson here is don’t do business with or work for private religious organizations.

Don’t feel bad. No one knows her or her music outside of having been married to Elon Musk. Kinda like that musician that married Chrishell from Selling Sunset.

Are you going to offer any kind of apology for implying that all the people who called this a hoax racist and/or sexist?

Do people seriously not get the importance of Luke being from Tatooine? It's a back water, nowhere planet of no particular importance to anyone, thus narratively highlighting that Luke was an everyman.

Wow. It’s almost as though this was a very obvious potential consequence of an all digital future that physical media advocates have been warning everyone about for literally years.

These are really not great sales. I see these discounts all the time, physical and digital.

I’m a liberal and actually agree with you. Sex workers are free to sex work, but no social media company is required to host their content. Private companies don’t owe them, you, or I anything.