
I fully support LGBTQ+ people. I believe all people have the right to be themselves, but I don’t understand how Link is a trans icon. There’s nothing in the lore to suggest as much. Rather, male characters dressing like female characters have a long standing comedic tradition in Japanese games, including the Legend of

So she hates when people ask her to pull out her boobs, but she freely does so on her OnlyFans assuming she’s not too busy simulating blowjobs on microphones on YouTube. Fuck this exploitive piece of shit pornstar.

The problem is they are reading the room. They’re a corporation. Their only reason for existing to increase the wealth of the owners of the corporation and micro transactions are a quick and easy way to make a profit. You want to blame someone? Blame the millions of gamers who purchase micro transactions.

This website spends an unbelievable amount of time promoting this amateur porn star and an equally unbelievable amount of time admitting that she’s an amateur porn star.

If a developer wants to use AI to replace human beings, fine. That’s your choice. But you’ve just reduced a large cost of the development process, so your product’s prices should likewise be reduced.

I’m in full agreement. Whenever I see ray tracing, it typically falls into one of two camps:  makes the original image blurry or just looks like a minor change in art direction.  I’ve yet to see anything revolutionary about this new tech, except for it’s incredible ability to tank framerates.

Hey now, for it’s pricepoint, 21 Crimes wine is pretty darn good, including Snoop’s Cali Red.  And for the record, I bought 21 Crimes wine long before they had Snoop wines.

Interesting discussion. The term JRPG by itself has never been inherently a bad thing, but it does describe a genre that relies on many, many, MANY overdone cliches and tropes. These cliches are not necessarily bad, but overreliance on them can be viewed by many as lazy and that’s what I think Xplay was getting at.

Sadly, there’s a reason why this stereotype exists. I’ve had this exact experience at gaming (both of the video and board variety) and comic stores. There’s a significant percentage of nerds and geeks that just don’t take care of their personal hygiene. It’s horrible for the other non-smelly customers and I’m sure

And frankly, the WNBA pay scale is based on ticket and merchandise sales and television ratings, which are all significantly less than the NBA. Bottom line, the WNBA players get paid less than NBA players because the WNBA makes less than the NBA. If the writers on this website want to change that, try buying season

Came here to post this exact sentiment.

I just can’t fucking believe this is what Rocksteady has been working on for the last 6 fucking years. A shitty Agents of Mayhem-looking, always-online, sure to microtransaction/lootbox-based, looter shooter. How many of these games have bombed in the last few years? All these executives look at is the two to three

aEpisode 4/5 was the first time in the series that a change from the game felt worse to me. Changes prior to this were either for the better or roughly the same. But nothing about Kathleen was believable. There’s no way heavily armed militia types in the post-apocalypse would be taking orders from her. It was a

You don’t actually think a Souls-like by Team Ninja is intended for wide audiences, do you? If so, I suggest playing Nioh 1 and 2.

This right here. Did her conservatorship go on way too long and strip her of too many rights? Yes probably, but judges don’t just hand those things out for no reason, especially not to young people. When the conservatorship was first created, there’s no doubt in my mind there was something really bad in her medical

Yeah, it looks like Deathloop mixed with Borderlands and Left 4 Dead.  Sadly, Deathloop is the worst game Arkane has ever released.

Well said. This obsession, both from Vanessa and from her fans on social media, is not healthy at all.  They broke up apparently amicably three years ago.  Stop it.  Let him live his life.

Gamers: “We want 4k resolutions with ray tracing, running at 60 frames per second at a minimum!

Regarding women in their 20's being strung along and taken advantage of by men, I understand that’s a real thing, but why is that the problem of non-abusive men? I dated a 22 year old when I was 34 and I had more fun in that relationship than I had in my prior two relationships, precisely because those prior two women,

As a former teacher, I get not wanting schools to feel like prisons, but at this point, our elected officials have failed us and it’s time to lock down all schools with metal detectors and armed security.