
Exactly. I’m tired of hearing about this. They’re both adults, they’re both single, and they’re both consenting. Is it doomed for the short term? Probably, but do any of the women he dates truly believe they’re in for a long term relationship? I’m sure they don’t. Instead, for a couple years they get to party on

TAhe whining about $70 games is ridiculous. Games have not kept up with inflation while their budgets have exploded to meet the demands and tastes of gamers. But more than that, if you’re paying full price for any game, you’re not trying very hard or you’re a victim of your own FOMO.  All games, other than those

Yup.  The internet is an echo chamber.  People cluster around topics of interest they enjoy and then overestimate how widely known said topic is in the real world, which is why no one should listen to anything from Twitter.

This is exactly why things like subscription services like Games With Gold or PS+ Extra just aren’t worth it to me. I will never have the time to play all those games. I would rather just buy the couple games I want each year when they’re on sale.

Your last sentence summarized my opinion.  Going to Disney World during a slow period of the pandemic with very minimal amounts of people was the best experience I’ve ever had there.  I would gladly pay more for a less crowded and better experience.

Yup. This all smells like bullshit. He’s been an abusive asshole for years and controls her entire life and then after one recorded discussion, he suddenly stops being abusive and controlling? No divorce or legal separation, no temporary protective order/restraining order, no lawyers, no police, and she didn’t have to

That is total horse shit. Parties to a suit and their attorneys have no control over how process servers serve the papers. Process servers always try to serve people at their residence or their family’s resident first and second or their attorney's office. After that, possibly their places of work. Then when necessary

Same here.  Physical media for life!  Unless the digital equivalent is $5 cheaper.

If you’re paying $60 or even $70 for video games, you’ve got no one to blame but yourself and your obsessive FOMO. Most games (not published by Nintendo) go on sale deep discount sales 4 to 6 weeks after launch, like clockwork.  If you’re willing to buy games day one for full price, you have no place to whine about

So when you reboot a franchise and (a) use none of the original creators, (b) change the tone entirely, and (c) crap all over your pre-existing fanbase, your game doesn’t sell well?  I’m shocked.  Shocked.

I promise you it’s 100% legit. It’s one of many reasons I decided I could no longer stomach being a teacher.

I’m a former middle school teacher and you wouldn’t believe the number of times I’ve had to tell my students this, about all social media and texting inappropriate material to one another. Hearing about 12 year old girls sexting topless pics of themselves to boys in the school disturbed me to no end.

How many people actually read comic books? How many times has Marvel, prior to being bought out by Disney, been on the brink of bankruptcy?

Oh boy! Its football season once more! That means it’s time for this article again! I’m so excited and interested to learn how underpaid NFL cheerleaders are for the 15 time!

This right here. Money talks, bullshit walks. You want Nintendo to change, you got to stop buying their lousy products and then tell them why you’re not buying it. As long as the money keeps rolling in, they have no reason to improve themselves.

So if I understand correctly, Wizards says they own the original Star Frontier having bought out the original TSR in the 1980s and they’re suing this new TSR for trying to make a sequel to Star Frontier. Okay, that makes much more sense. I did not get that from the article.  Thanks for the clarification.

I’m also of this opinion about Gamestop employees bitching. It’s been well-known for more than a decade that GS doesn’t pay or treat it’s employees well. This isn’t news. You don’t like it, leave. There’s plenty of jobs out there. Everywhere you go, there’s “help wanted” signs.

I’m a bit confused by this article. Clearly, these TSR people are assholes, but on what basis is WotC suing TSR? Does WotC claim to own the name Star Frontier or TSR or both? How does TSR making a game called Star Frontier infringe on WotC’s Dungeons and Dragons trademark (or copyright or other intellectual property)?

What a disappointment this game was. It absolutely failed in so many ways, particularly when compared to Arkane’s own Dishonored series and Prey. When compared to those games, Deathloop had (1) fewer levels, (2) smaller levels, (3) fewer enemy types, (4) dumber enemy AI, (5) fewer powers, (6) fewer weapons, (7) less

And nothing of value was lost. The reason their financials were in such bad shape was simple; new G4 was absolute bottom of the barrel trash.