
This right here. It’s astounding how many rich, white liberals think all people of color are all super liberal on all issues. Many black and Latino people have very conservative positions on things like abortion and LGBTQ rights due to their religious upbringing.

The organizers of AGDQ are free to hold political opinions and are free to express them. Same as you, same as me, same as anyone else. If they don’t like DeSantis and what’s going on in Florida, they can say as much. If you don’t like what they have to say, guess what? You have the right to not engage with them. You

Seriously. Fuck her. There’s plenty of loving, normal cis-hetero relationships. Maybe she needs to stop dating obvious fucking red flags.

You want the gossip to stop? Tell Olivia Wilde to stop publicly lying about Shia LeBouf and Jason Sudeikis.

The Punk/Steel/Omega/Bucks “fight” is work. The amount of mainstream media coverage it has gotten this week has me convinced. They’ll all be back in one to three months and they’ll feud with each other and/or the replacement Trios and World champs.

I’m not going to hate on Amouranth for making all the easy money that she can, but I just don’t understand WHY it’s so easy. Why are so many men so easily duped into giving up their hard earned money to someone who is already a multi-millionaire? Why are they giving money to Amouranth so she can start businesses and

Did you hear that Jason Sudekis had Olivia Wilde served with legal paperwork in public at an award show?  Did you hear?  Did you hear?  Did you hear?

At this point, everyone knows what Leo is about. These girls know exactly what they’re getting into; a few years of being wined and dined, taking private yacht trips to private beaches, and being in front of a lot of cameras and talent/modeling scouts. They get to leave these relationships in way better positions than

Shut. The. Hell. Up. I’m so tired of hearing about this. Process servers only pull these types of dramatics when they can’t get at you at your primary residence. If she had accepted at home, then none of this would’ve happened.

This idea that there’s a wide swath of Millenials and Gen Zs who are straddled with crushing student loan debt is mostly a myth. Roughly, 13.5% of the adult US population have students. Of that, about half owe less than $20,000. $10,000 being waived is a major win for millions of Americans. A large percentage of the

Shut. The. Hell. Up. I’m so tired of hearing about this. Process servers only pull these types of dramatics when they can’t get at you at your primary residence. If she had accepted at home, then none of this would’ve happened.

I had no idea Solange Knowles had any kind of following.  I never hear her name mentioned anywhere by anyone.

Yup. Especially 12 years later, after praising him time and again. Demi is just desperate for attention.

How long has twerking been mainstream? Isn’t this guy like 10 years late to the outrage? Was he just out of moral panics to scare up?

How is it complicated? Bayo1 was a bomb and no one wanted to publish a sequel, except Nintendo. Therefore, Nintendo threw money at it’s production and distribution in exchange for exclusivity for the sequels.  That’s all there is to it.

Adding to that, people have to likewise vote in state and local elections as well. State governors and state legislatures and city mayors and local school boards have been overrun by conservatives because too few liberals vote for those positions as well.

Just because you vote in every election, doesn’t mean all liberals vote in every election and the data backs that up. Liberals come out for Presidential years significantly more than midterm years and that's how conservatives have gradually acquired power over decades and, guess what, it may take decades now to fix

They've been picking up their game for at least that last year and a half from what I've seen. Saint's Row 3 was on sale for $40 last week! I picked it up along with King of Fighters XIII and Just Dance 3 when they were having the B2G1.

Exactly. I don't understand people whining about the summer having no releases and then the winter having too many. How about you buy 3 - 5 games in the winter, play those for a few months, and then pick up the rest the following spring and summer? It doesn't take long for the hype for these AAA releases to wear off

What game were you playing? The game was heavily designed with stealth in mind, with the exception of the bosses. Here's your strategy: spec your augs for stealth and then choose one to three lethal weapons weapons and just upgrade the hell out of them. I completed my first play through almost completely non-lethal,