
Dear Marvel: X-Men Legends 3, KTHXBAI.

And they should all play La Cucaracha.

I'm also planning on waiting. Like the author, I've tried many Bethesda games and never played them for more than a couple hours, but this game actually somewhat interests me. Not enough to buy it day one, but perhaps a year from now when they release a Game of the Year edition with all the DLC and patches.

For music, Joe Budden. I buy almost all of his projects, except for things like Mood Muzik 4.5, when I already own Mood Muzik 4. I'm not throwing down another $12 for 5 new songs.

No problem.

There's your problem. Jacob died because you used a non-loyal biotic to shield your group.

Was Samara loyal?

As I understand it, her full name is Meagan Marie VanBurkleo.

Sounds like you used him as the biotic shield. Only the pure biotics (Jack and Samara/Morinth) are equipped for that job. Or you used someone other half biotic (Miranda and Thane) who wasn't equip either and Jacob got randomly chosen to die.

Color edit is back! Yes! That's amazing in this age of alternate colors DLC.

Minor correction: Nintendo has abandoned core unless their names are Zelda or Mario. Metroid Other M tanked and the rumor is the series is going dormant for a while because they believe the series doesn't have a large fanbase.

That would be great except if we have to go with the theme of gamer girls everyday, we're going to run out quick. Who's left? All I can think of is Morgan Webb, that one chick on IGN who licked a PSP, and Nikole Z.

Fuck Olivia, Kill Felicia, Marry Lisa.

I got a 46" Dynex, 1080P, 60 Hz, 3 HDMI, 1 USB, and 1 VGA from Best Buy for $499.99. It was on sale and had great reviews, but it was not in any store anywhere near me, so I bought it online and took a chance. It's worked out great so far. I've had it since December and no problems whatsoever. Here it is on sale for

There are girls out there that are drunk and/or stupid enough to fall for this shit, at least for a one night stand. But the girls worth keeping and putting a ring on are too smart for this.

No, the girls aren't hard to get. The problem is the guys are all afraid of girls. They would rather worship idols and anime characters and hug their "body pillows".

I don't play many online games anymore, but I did the same thing in Phantasy Star Online on the Dreamcast. I made a HUNewearl and pretended to be a 18-year-old girl. Lonely idiots gave me tons of free stuff.

Showing off the customizability of your female character's breasts? Oh, Japan.

5 lbs is right. The first thing I thought when I saw here was she was a drug addict with boob job. Like Amy Winehouse. (Too soon?)

If you thought the first mission was cool, you're in for a treat. The entire game is one big mind-fuck and I loved it. Just try and explain what happened when you've finished it.