
Shadows of the Damned. A really fun game. It felt like a true improvement over the Resident Evil 4 style gameplay, that I didn't get from Dead Space. Also, despite all the media attention about the immature dick jokes, it's actually a really beautiful love story in the end. Garcia and Paula are officially my favorite

I was just about to mention this. My friend pointed this out to me recently and I haven't watched Inception since then. Is this true?

Ditto. Looks amazing, plays like crap.

It sounds like a textbook example of one form of motion sickness.

Uh, Resident Evil 5, anyone?

What Fry's do you go to? Mine in Duluth, GA is never like that. I hate that place.

Yeah, but I'm still hoping that Obsidian can just take their ideas from AP and put them into a new IP at a new publisher.

Are the players supposed to look cel-shaded?

AP was fantastic! I'd love a sequel, but they do need to make all playstyles viable. For example, good luck beating a boss using martial arts.

Are they assholes for doing this? Yes, absolutely. Can they be sued? Absolutely not. This is a private event and they invite or disinvite whoever they wish. This isn't a governmental or quasi-governmental entity denying women entry. It's a bunch of dudebro-types hanging out and playing a video game.

Shadows of the Damned. Right now I'm playing it on Satanic Hell (very hard) and then I'm going to do Demon Hunter (normal) and Lemon Hunter (easy) next week/weekend, because I love this game and because the Achievements for completing each difficulty don't stack.

I don't know why people are surprised by this. Capcom made a living at this in the 90s.

Yep. Loved it in college. Aqua Teen, Sea Lab, and Venture Brothers later on were all excellent. On the anime side, I loved Cowboy Bebop, Wolf's Rain, and Ghost in the Shell: Standalone Complex.

Everyone says DA2 had no story. I beg to differ. Just because the story isn't right in your face like "this is the bad guy, he's going to destroy the world, you have to stop him", doesn't mean it didn't have a story. The story was Hawke coming to a new world as an immigrant, becoming its champion, and then becoming an

To be honest, towards the end of 2010, I was looking at the 2011 line-up and I was completely underwhelmed by what I saw. I said to myself, is there anything worth playing until Deus Ex? So I've only purchased four new games this year (new as in released in 2011) and three of them were impulse buys because of some

I hope to god not. Capcom, and SNK to a smaller extent, caused the crash of the fighting game genre with their multiple series and constant minor updates to each one. You would think they would've learned their lesson.

Nah, definitely not the best of the year. But overall, a very competent game. The dialog was amusing, but the puzzles were easy as all get out. After hearing about how amazing Portal 1 was for so long from everyone and their brother, I was expecting a lot more.

I absolutely feel the same way about the Wii U support. Even before the Wii U was unveiled, I was already feeling about 80% sure that I would not be purchasing it based on (1) NOA's shoddy support for the Wii and (2) the fact that it's only going to be half-gen console, meaning that when the next Xbox and PS come

No Gambit, no buy...

Thank you! I said almost this exact same thing when the WiiU was first unveiled and I was attacked by Nintendo fanboys within minutes.