
Do I really look like a guy with a plan?

Of course SotD sold like shit. There was no promotion for it. I'm a huge fan of Suda 51's work and even I had no idea it was out until I saw a review for it here.

Probably nothing. The girlfriend is spending the weekend at my house and we've got a bunch of stuff planned. When she leaves Sunday afternoon, I might try to finish off Shadows of the Damned. I think I'm on 5-1. I forget exactly.

SLaughter is the Best Medicine

I know. I was trying to be funny with my first 2 sentences.

Don't announce that for the whole world to hear! All that does is let Square Enix know to send out a cease and desist letter. No fan made games should ever announce their existence until they're finished.

Personally, I'd say it means nothing. Companies register trademarks all the time just in case they plan on using it. For a game industry example, think of Square Enix and the Chrono Break trademark.

You missed one of my later responses where I clarified myself. I later said she's neither attractive nor talented, so she adds nothing to the entertainment business.

Well then I think you and I would agree that Nintendo should man up and take the blame for Other M, rather than bury the series.

Well, it wouldn't be the first time they disappeared. Remember when they shut down and KOF was sent to Eolith?

Why wouldn't you blame "them", if by them you mean Nintendo? They made a terrible game and its sold terribly. They did it to themselves.

Sorry, Kathie. I won't sit on the couch Sunday afternoons and play videogames. I'll just sit on the couch Sunday afternoons and watch sports. That's much better. Thank you for fixing me according to your ignorant, myopic view as to what hobbies men should enjoy to unwind.

I'll admit my "die in a fire" comment was a bit harsh, but I really do feel like motion controls have resorted to nothing but wagglefests in the types of games I want to play and the creation of tons of shallow minigame collections.

This brief preview has me very intrigued. My only concern is the name "Bethesda" attached to it. I've never liked any of their games and I think I've given them several extremely fair chances by logging several hours into Elder Scrolls 3 and 4 and Fallout 3 and the New Vegas expansion.

Developers have been "making an effort" since the beginning of the Wii and they still haven't figured it out. Motion controls need to die in a fire, along with 3D.

Regular controls:

Regular controls:

That's definitely not what I'm saying. All I said she's not attractive and, allow me to clarify, she's a terrible actress and writer. So she adds nothing whatsoever to the entertainment industry.

Oh, because holding forward or backward or left or right before pressing an attack button would be so difficult to implement. There damn sure wouldn't be any lag.

Problem with SMG is it played exactly the same as every other Mario game. Sure the gravity was a little loopy in places, but to me that's not a significant enou