
Portal 2 kept me amused for about 3 evenings. I don't think it or the original lived up to the hype they received. But that may simply be my own bias against puzzle games. IMO, once you've figured out the solutions, there's no reason to play again and thus there's no more fun to be had.

Thank god someone finally said it. She's completely sub-average and is only using gaming culture to save what little career she has.

With every video, my interest in this game sinks further and further. Fucking motion controls. Is classic controller support too much to ask? I haven't seen anything yet in this game that should require motion controls.

The Unbreakable Huntress's actual name was not revealed, although I'll guess that she turns out to be Paula.

I think it was Suda51's quirky humor. Many of his games feature bosses with huge buildups only to turn into nothing (first one that comes to mind is Letz Shake from No More Heroes). Basically, it's a joke at the gamers expense.

The Horse dude was George's second form. George was the harmonica player who got his harmonica lodged in his throat. Why he morphed in a 100 foot tall demon in his second form I don't fully understand.

Tali's suit can't be as thin as Samus. Samus merely uses her suit for coverage. Tali's suit has many functions including "waste" retention for untold periods of time until she is able to get to a sterile environment and evacuate it.

I really want to re-post something from a few months ago, to balance out all the praise this game is getting in this thread.

I think some magazine already gave that title to the Metroid Prime series.

Well, that confirms it. The Wii will be my last Nintendo console. Enjoy getting Dreamcast'ed with your stupid iPad knock-off.

I think it's because of how obsessed Japan is with 14 year old girls in latex suits.

Since when was Bayonetta sexy? I thought she was quite possibly the most disturbingly designed video game character that I'd ever seen.

Be fair. There are some really great games on the Wii. Metroid Prime 3/Trilogy. Muramasa: The Demon Blade. No More Heroes 1 (2 sucked). That's all I can think of.

I'm pretty sure the Miller test has no real bite. Could you please tell me what works have been decided to be obscene per the Miller test? And could you then tell me what laws have been ruled to not violate the narrowness/vagueness doctrine in attempting to regulate said obscene work?

I can't speak for everyone, but as I said I find him to be the most internally-consistent Justice when it comes to Constitutional issues. By internally-consistent I mean he rarely contradicts himself or leaps through loops to reach a conclusion based on his personal conservative politics. It's tough to explain to

Go Antonin! He was always my personal favorite Justice to read while in law school. Even though I disagreed with him on at least half of his rulings, I always found him to be the most internally consistent Justice.

If Nintendo of America wants to prove to me that they're actually going to try and win back core gamers and AAA third party developers with the Wii U, they could start by releasing these three games on the Wii.

It's perfectly okay to hate games other people love. For me, it's without a doubt every Bethesda game I've ever played (Elder Scrolls 3 and 4 and Fallout 3). When people ask what I don't like about it, I simply explain that it's simply too big. I enjoy freedom and customization, but when the game becomes too open, the

@USMarty_v.2: Reference? Perhaps the movie starlet/Russian sleeper agent on Archer?

@BreakingSunday: Violating a private contract or license is perfectly legal. You just have to deal with the civil penalties of a money judgment and an injunction.