
Hard disagree on the graphics mode.  The image is softer but the lack of a motion blur slider makes the 30fps very hard to look at.  FFXVI greatly benefited when they added a slider to dial back the intensity of it so it might be a viable option here if they do the same.  

Yeah, personally unless I stop the screen and squint at it for awhile I can barely see the difference between performance and graphics in motion, but I would notice the difference between 40-50FPS and 60FPS instantly.  

The low framerate of graphics mode is terrible. I wish they had a middle option that was like 1080p but nice graphics instead of either being 1080p performance or 4k graphics with now middle ground.

During combat, FF7 Rebirth is even more intricate and requiring of responsive lag-free controls, so I recommend keeping gameplay to performance mode at 60fps.

It does look softer, but I just can’t, I need my 60fps. 

For me it’s all about ecosystem. Spencer hit the nail on the head when he was frustrated with Redfall’s dogshit launch and complained that the Xbox One gen was the worst to lose because that’s when people built their digital libraries. I did that with Xbox so I’m sticking around, and as long as Xbox sticks around and

I think Xbox will cease to exist as a console within 5 years.

if you’re using a language that 99% of your reader will understand as slut shaming. maybe you shouldn’t

...and there’s no New Game + mode!

RIP Rocksteady...

As recent as Forza, I saw someone defending always-online requirements with “You’re going to be playing this at home...where you obviously have an internet connection. I fail to see why this is even a concern tbh

Just your routine reminder that paying for early access really means you are likely paying more for an unfinished product.  Nothing to see here. 

Some people made the argument that Spears should be free by arguing some permutation of “Ackshually Britney would have her shit together if she didn’t have her dad and the 2003 paparazzi in her life”. Others thought (myself included) that emotionally unstable people who aren’t a danger to others deserve a high degree

Everything. Everything is wrong with Nicki. She’s always been a really shitty person. 

Maybe she realized that publicly not liking her ex made her an unwitting field commander to an army of internet loons. Dialing back is a reasonable choice in an unreasonable world.

Agreed. They were nineteen. Both of them were unfaithful and a bit messy. And Justin wasn’t the only slut-shaming Spears (Diane Sawyer interview anyone?). The internet and gossip mags LIVED for dogpiling on women in the early aughts.

A toast to every “Buyer beware”-ignoring idiot who paid extra money for early access - and perpetuated one of the worst elements of pre-order game distribution - getting what they deserved.

Spears appeared to apologize to ex Justin Timberlake for the varying revelations about him she included in her memoir, which didn’t exactly portray the former boy band frontman in a positive light—but who cares??? He could have just not done all those things!

Battle Pass and “Good.” Not my thing but to each their own. This trend just ain’t it.