
Jean Mahfouz, you coward, answer the question. How would not voting for Biden make the situation in Gaza better?

And once again not a SINGLE article about the rapes and murders of Israeli women and children as well as the pregnancies of Israeli women by the terrorists. This site isn’t feminism it’s an antisemitic place that the untalented go to rot. 

Crystal is a schmuck

Israel is using over-force. That is inarguable. What is also inarguable is the deafening silence and jaw dropping ignorance Western Palestinian advocates display when they fail to forecast what Gaza returns to should they succeed in getting a ceasefire...a return to Hamas sanctioned child rape, the murder of LGBTQIA

I wonder if these brainless shitstains understand Hamas is a pro-pedophilia regime that sanctions child rape via arranged marriages of underage girls who are subjected to forcedbirth (13% of married females in Gaza are under the age of 18). Or maybe they just really dig pedophilia and anti-LGBT savages who’d gladly

Yeah, like babes Trump would be way worse for Gaza he would be cheering as they put settlements back in. Like why don’t you interrupt some Republican stuff too, they’re half the vote in Congress

By not voting , you are making it possible for the extremist/fascist Trump to change everything for the worst. Crystal is dumb!!

You are giving your vote to Trump, shame about you, Trump is going to take the refugees?????

So we all know what’s going on. Biden expresses support for Israel publicly and ships them weapons, while urging that they respect the rules of war. Behind the scenes, his State Department is trying to cool things down and negotiate an end to this. Quite frankly, after Oct 7, that’s the best situation the Palestinians

This is a farce. They just woke up. 

20,000 Palestinian babies were born in 3 months? Really? That is one astonishing birth rate. I guess to these terrorist sympathizers, numbers don’t matter any more. Next week we’ll hear that another million women and children were killed by the IDF, and they have absolute proof that the Israelis attacked themselves on

They gonna vandalize the NYPL like they did in November? That sure helps the cause.

Framing the Israeli Palestinian conflict as a reproduction issue is cynical. While ignoring the fact that up until the attack on Israel, Israel was frequently treating Palestinian woman with complicated pregnancies. Gaza City would have been a wonderful place for women to have children and children to grow had Hamas

How to re-elect Trump, STEP 1:

These people are gonna fuck around and bring us President Trump again.

A vote for any candidate other than Biden is a vote for Trump. Not voting is a vote for Trump.

Trump cut $200M in aid to Palestine after the PLO wouldn't join his peace talks. The Republicans didn't care then and I can't imagine that they will now. 

The vice squeezing Palestinian Americans and their allies — Arab Americans, Muslim Americans, and plain old “regular” Americans who care about innocent human lives — is indescribable right now.

For fuck’s sake, not everything is about Gaza and abortion rights in the US are are already threatened enough, the issue doesn’t need to be held hostage by the war in Gaza.

The other details Schmitt divulges are pretty bleak. The aptly named “situationship” devolved after she returned from a trip and she says Hammer lied about having covid to ditch her and hook up with another woman. [He told a white lie while in a casual relationship.] Schmitt also pretty heavily implies that she