
If Trump wins, 2016 is going to seem like a pleasant fairytale by comparison to his new brutal regime. He is going to use all his considerable power, and his enthusiastic enablers to trample on our democracy. And you spend your time cranking out half baked conspiracy articles like this arguing that he isn’t really

Another Kylie article, another bad take.

I think it’s less conspiracy and more delusion: framing a pre-planned anniversary post like it was a reaction to the previous EMTALA articles is a way to validate her previous civics-illiteracy, and to imply that her take has real import in the world.

Kylie you do realize President Biden didn’t review this case personally? It was done by attorneys and the CMS.

Look Jez, your Bernie is not running, enjoy trump.

You turds are why the Democratic party is a joke and will never regain power. Laws are not created by the executive branch, Congress is the branch that passes/enacts laws. Yell at congress, not Biden for abortion laws. Biden could be the reincarnation of George Washington with the dick of Abraham Lincoln and he still

I’m okay with this. Nothing says that after clawing back 24 weeks, we can’t go for the big prize. 24 weeks would help a lot of people in the interim, and I don’t think any pro-choice person out there is going to fall for the old “this is good enough and can never be undermined” bit again. Pretty sure we all know how

Counterpoint: Allow abortion up to five years old.

Oof. I don’t know where to come down on this. On the one hand, I agree that fetal viability is a nebulous construct, and I believe that any pregnant person has rights that supersede the ball of cells or the fetus they are carrying. Full stop.

I know, I got through it and found myself wondering if I somehow missed the part that actually took a stab at telling me whether it was worth the ten bucks or not

You should check out the analysis on Digital Foundry. Overall, it’s not a massive visual upgrade outside of a resolution boost to 4K in the Fidelity mode, an option to play at 40 FPS in Fidelity mode, and the ability to push the game around 75-100 FPS in Performance mode with the option to unlock the frame rate. There

Oh, and there’s a plug for the TV series. So not really a review but a long-form ad.

I’m sure these are both wonderful games that millions of people justifiably love, but The Last of Us fall firmly into my “Absolutely not” category of stories that I don’t need to bring into my headspace.

that’s not true there’s also some ancillary covid filler.

This review barely has any focus on the differences between game versions, which is kind of a waste since we can just read the general reviews from four years ago.

I’m gonna pay because I adore the game and the 10 buck upgrade is nice but if it was full price I’d avoid it like the plague bc it’s the same graphics esentially.


And you know their ideas about how to actually solve the problem of Israel/Palestine are going to be some stupid ass shit that’s completely unworkable.

Biden does not have a magic wand. He needs a Congress that supports him so that he can add to the Supreme Court, and have that Roe v Wade decision reversed. It has been over 50 years since a sitting Dem president has had a majority Congress for their entire term.
