
It’s not like she lives out in the country with no close neighbors, where the “she’s only endangering herself” argument might actually make sense. She’s on a quarter-acre in a densely developed part of the country. The fact she hasn’t damaged somebody else’s property or at least hit a utility line and knocked out

Wow, there it is, the dumbest thing I’ve heard all day.

she knows the risks and as long as they only apply to her, then who cares?

The risks absolutely do not only apply to her

This is insanely irresponsible. Our friends had crazy neighbors who decided to dig in the backyard without getting any county approval or engineers’ opinion or anything, and they broke into a gas line and set our friends’ house on fire via the kitchen...destroyed all their possessions and the whole house had to be

If she’s working at the bottom and part of her tunnel collapses further up, trapping her underground, are you good with just leaving her there to die, or do you expect emergency personnel to put their own lives on the line and trust the rest of her excavation in order to rescue her?

How dare engineers and geologists tell this woman she’s asking to get crushed to death! She knows just as much as they do!

Everything you said you could be replaced with “doctor”, “pilot”, “nuclear technician”, etc., etc. etc.

Offloading admin costs is why municipalities allow them. But the selling point to residents is uniformity, protecting property values, “safety” (real or perceived), etc... not the privatization of civil society... though some of my neighbors probably dig that shit too.  

The biggest issue a lot of the “experts” seem to have with her is that she is not a formally educated “expert.”

Credentials typically exist for a reason beyond snob-vs-slob gatekeeping. I would 1000% want and expect a neighbor to be credentialed and have the appropriate clearances before digging a giant pit next door. This isn’t someone being uptight about a few pink flamingos in the yard or a garishly pained mailbox; there’s

This is insane, perhaps for obvious reasons, some of them listed in this article. Sink-holes, disposal, run-off/pollution (including asbestos), noise. I would not feel safe with this person as a neighbor, and I can definitely see how being an undocumented migrant would make me weary about speaking up.

Epstein avoided prison by using this one weird trick...

Ok, good job at not addressing the actual issues raised. In the meantime, please also show me the society where public nudity is accepted at all times and in all contexts.

Good. Obviously, America as a whole has some troubled relationship with the concept, but not literally every website (or this one in particular) has to feature or be ok with [implied] nudity. There are plenty of sites where nudity is ok and encouraged and that’s great, but on twitch this gives unreasonable

It will still mostly be the same Ubisoft fluff. 50 Imperial bases, 20 Holocrons, etc etc

Meanwhile, 40-ish years ago...

I’m always hoping film makers these days will try some original sci-fi works for once but then it turns out the only taker is Zack Snyder. Some monkey’s paw shenanigans going on.

Snyder does well when adapting other, completed works. He can take stories and make them gorgeous to look at, fun to watch, and just a blast overall.

I do think it’s funny that the only Zack Snyder movie I like was written by James Gunn.