
I was gonna say, expelling the kid is bullshit, but that’s private schools for ya.

The differnece between public and private schools is that at private schools, parents are customers. As private businesses, these schools can choose their clientele. It sucks for the kid, but his mom is no longer a customer. It is what it is.

It’s been said a million times before: freedom of speech is not freedom from consequences.

Right— like is this returned Jezebel going to continue with the classist, ageist, internalized misogyny and conservatism that they thought was “politics with teeth?”


My sincere hope is the site is not just back but returns to some of the former quality and insight that made it a an outsized-pop culture staple. Frankly the site had been in decline for years before its shuttering. I don’t mean to shit on you or any other writers who, I gather, have been working under less-than-ideal

Jesus Christ, you spent two grand on a replica of a crummy acoustic guitar?

Of all the things listed, the only one I have a problem with is Last of Us Part I (i.e. the $70 PS5 “remake” of the PS4 The Last of Us Remastered).

Yes you can. Stop playing it and stop paying attention to things about the last of us. 

You call a 7 “good”? I don’t.

7/10 is a C Grade. That is not a “good” grade, it is a middle of the road grade, and completely unacceptable in some households.

they need to do this for the female breasts as well

So when it’s female characters, its ‘oversexualisation’ and kotaku has a problem, when it’s men, its fine and funny to kotaku. 

I have literally never once understood this argument when people cry about TLOU gameplay. How the actual fuck is it any different than any other game ever made in the past 10+ years?

I would miss my GF if she disappeared for a few years but I like playing with her so I’m glad she’s staying. Just saying.

These PS5 remakes aren’t main developer material, they’ve stated that these have been developed as projects for new hires (in the case of Part II) and for staff not currently working on anything (Part I).

It’s never too early to replay a remaster of what got the game the goty at 2020's Video Game Awards ceremony.

I don’t understand the argument here. TLoU P2 was the fastest selling playstation game of all time for the ps4 at release. Whether folks enjoy the story or not - it was a cultural event. As was the TV show.

You know you don’t have to engage with content you don’t want to right? Maybe those remasters aren’t for the fanboys with posters of the characters on their wall, but instead for those who weren’t into it last time and now have another reason/chance to get into it.

I recall when TLOU Part 2 came out in June 2020 there was speculation that a PS5 version would at some point hit, due to the impending release of the console later that year. The only shocking thing about this is that it took 3 years to happen.