
The problem with Capitalism is that it privatizes profits, but socializes risk.

but given that the Kett invasion was still happening at the end of Mass Effect: Andromeda,

I liked Andromeda well enough in spite of how tedious it was, but man, it is just hard for me to trust Bioware to make a competent game with a halfway decent story.

Why shouldn’t it be Shepard? She lives in 3 out of 4 ending options.

It wasn’t the setting that was the issue. It was the fact that they showed no variety in what was supposed to be a new galaxy, and that it was buggy as hell.

Shep was quite a bit machine after all. Who says they can’t survive as long as an Asari at this point?

Control and Synthesis endings allow for a easy and logical return of Shepard. I don’t understand the “coward shit” line as Bioware needs this game to be successful after the Andromeda “bravery”. In isolation I would encourage more experimentation but we see that’s necessarily a strength in their cabinet.

Yeah, I’m perfectly cool with Andromeda as a setting, but with more of the stylings of ME2, and the impactful decisions you can have within that game or those found on Rannoch or Tuchanka in ME3.

not to mention Liara basically mind melds with Shepherd right before the final battle on Earth, probably backed Shep up like Spock did to McCoy in Wrath of Khan.  

Its fine as long as we aren’t stuck in Andromeda for most of the game. 

I mean, if you really wanted to justify Shepherd existing in some sense six centuries later, there’s the fact that Shepherd already died once and she was retrofitted with considerable cybernetics to bring her back. Plus, in 2/3 of the viable endings she merges, in a sense, with the God-Computer.

Timberlake has a thriving career, seemingly decent relationship with his family, and is generally treated like a mentally fit member of society. Spears’ life has basically been a train wreck for 20 years—it is extremely sad, and largely attributable to her father and shitty team. I suspect many people follow her on IG

And yet she’s still doing it after he’s out of the picture. Hmm…

For someone who claims she didn’t want to be doing sexual content, she’s still producing it on a regular basis long AFTER she left the person forcing her to do it.

Remember, her husband was forcing her to do this.

Reminder: She doesn’t have the business acumen that these boss-girl articles about her on Kotaku want to imply every few months. The majority of her career was managed by her abusive husband, who basically manipulated her into escalating the raunchiness of her content over the years against her wishes. Turns out that

Pretty girls aren’t always out to get you”

Alas, what a terrible moment in time to be literate.

This mother Teresa rebrand for Britney is astounding to me LMAO. Britney and Justin are both cheaters, both privileged pretty white kids profiting off of Black culture when it was most convenient, both probably crappy people behind the scenes, both screwed over by powerful white men (please don’t forget how badly Lou

Agreed, but this cracked me up: