Mallory McMorrow

They are beautiful but under appreciated vehicles. I still lust over it when it's parked in my own garage.

Psh, why wait for that? I have a 1973 1800ES that I'll sell ya!

This is the only one I care about.

It bothers me that The Buzzcocks are in the 7th line.

Nice work by Mallory (there's a reason this woman's my girlfriend!) to call this to Jalopnik and Travis's attention. I would agree and say this is everything that's wrong with "automotive journalism," except I don't believe such a thing exists.

To be fair, Mallory had the balls to post it. God I love that woman. :-)

We get all these benefits and more at Shrimp Trend.

Yep, that's right. It's also worth noting that this was part of a cross-platform campaign and social was in support of the higher-profile TVC.

Oh, well if the editor of Motor Trend says it's funny, then I stand corrected!

I'm not sure I would generalize Jalopnik readers as "hardcore auto enthusiasts". I'm pretty sure I've caught one that didn't know how a turbo worked once.

Quite well said.

I'm pretty sure everyone already knows this. But... for the benefit of those who don't — in 2004, my 1998 XJ's four-liter grenaded on me after 150K+ miles. It was winter and I needed something to drive right then as I was commuting daily between Lansing, MI and Birmingham, MI. Rather than deal with an engine

Oh boy, I've seen the "redneck" version of this... I guess I shouldn't be surprised?

"What are you gonna do tonight, Stef?"

I don't mean to be rude. I appreciate the time and effort the gentleman put in.

Detroit the dog!

Original commercial was wonky and looked fake and had about a 4/10 appeal. This one, with the accompanying story? 9.5/10. Nice job Pepsi, Jeff Gordon, and Travis Okulski.

That's pretty hilarious. Nice work everyone! Did Ray get to dragon the Caprice?


Also, I can't wait for the forthcoming Chevy Caprice Passenger Review