
To be fair, Lochte probably doesn’t know the difference.

I think we should be more worried about this 4th swimmer who is attempting to swim all the way home

As bufuddling as this is I have to remember that Lochte, while not the brightest bulb while sober, was drunk with his pals that night. Not an optimal condition for remembering details, especially for our dog paddling human Labradoodle. Watching the video the guys aren’t laughing, but Lochte slaps one guy with his

If you remember, he actually made Megyn Kelly go and check if there were still a bunch of white voters in Ohio that hadn’t been counted yet. And they filmed her walking at a low angle to show off her legs, as is the Ailes way.

Breitbart got so frustrated by all the liberal lying liar polls lying that Clinton is beating Trump that they contracted a polling company to poll a right thinking non-lying poll.

It's hard for Trump to have a firm grasp on anything, given the size of his fingers.

I made the mistake of reading the comments on that article last night and am honestly still sort of amazed by how many people really, truly do believe - despite proof - that voter fraud is a huge issue (and also that Hillary somehow rigged the primaries and is rigging the election. Also isn’t it ironic that this rage

You know, it was funny watching Rove’s head implode on election night 2012. When he literally got up from his desk, walked into the polling rooms, and started asking everyone how Obama won. And I remember that lady that posted that hour long YouTube video lamenting Obama’s victory and her cursing out Republicans for

I don't even have anything intelligent left to say about this guy any more. It's just UGH x infinity. Americas biggest troll.

I’m really starting to get worried that this sort of talk is going to incite violence on election night. Because when he loses, the portion of ABSOLUTELY INSANE society that he has legitimized and riled up will be absolutely irrevocably convinced that the world has ended and they’re therefore free to go on shooting

Remember, a nice tasteful brown shirt is preferred on election day. Leather bandoliers will not be provided, but can be purchased from eBay.

So Herr Trumpenfuhrer is starting his own brownshirts redcaps.

He’s corrosive on a micro level, too:

The basic stance Trump supporters have adopted is something like: “We’ve nominated a candidate who is completely incompetent, disturbingly unhinged, and completely offensive to larges sections of the population. He has done nothing to build a coalition or even run a campaign. ALL THE POLLS ARE FAKED AND IF WE LOSE

Perfect, except the logical extreme you were looking for wasn’t communism it was fascism. Less “Dear Leader” and more “Mein Fuhrer”, or something similar.

“Which is troubling, because I’m not sure Donald Trump knows what he’s legally allowed to do!”

Help the Dear Leader root out the traitors. For God and Country!