Second guffaw of the week; thanks!
Second guffaw of the week; thanks!
This is inspired and spirited writing. You’re my new literary hero (you’ve displaced, at least for today, the late, great David F. Wallace).
First, I voted for Bernie in the Texas primary.
I cannot recommend “Legacy of Ashes” highly enough. Weiner describes the MANY times the CIA actively undermined the democratic process and legitimately-elected governments around the world in their quest to counter the “Soviet threat.” What was that threat? Um, I’m a little unclear on that... free elections, maybe?
"Most weed is illegal and could be cut with other drugs"? You realize it's a flower, right? Something could be sprayed on that flower that would, maybe, have a deleterious effect on the user, I guess. But the flower itself is not going to kill you no matter how you ingest it. And that brings me to this little piece of…
It's happening now in Myanmar/Burma and in Sri Lanka. Also in the Central African Republic.
Sorry, your deep cultural ignorance is deafening. Do you know any Muslims? I know quite a few and look one in the mirror every morning. NONE of the Muslims I know would ever dream of doing something like this. Just like every idiot who claims to hate gays because that's what Jesus wants doesn't add to nor take away…