
Second guffaw of the week; thanks!

This is inspired and spirited writing. You’re my new literary hero (you’ve displaced, at least for today, the late, great David F. Wallace).

For me, and this is totally subjective, you’re correct. She’s a very attractive person:

First, I voted for Bernie in the Texas primary.

As I recall that’s Weiner’s conclusion on Arbenz AND on Mossadegh, that they were democrats who wanted to engage with the U.S. but their assumed flirtation with the Soviets was not received well in Washington. The relationship between Khomenei and the CIA described in the book is “shocking.”

I cannot recommend “Legacy of Ashes” highly enough. Weiner describes the MANY times the CIA actively undermined the democratic process and legitimately-elected governments around the world in their quest to counter the “Soviet threat.” What was that threat? Um, I’m a little unclear on that... free elections, maybe?

Ben Kingsley’s father was an Ismaili (Muslim) Indian.

ISIS, as a Sunni group, does not believe there is a 12th imam - that's a Shi'i thing (and only a subset of the greater Shi'i body that includes, Seveners, Houthis, Ismailis, etc.).

I read an translation of the Qur'an a couple of times before I converted in 1996 (I had been a Christian before conversion). So, to answer you question, yes, when I first read it I was reading from the POV of a Christian.

"Most weed is illegal and could be cut with other drugs"? You realize it's a flower, right? Something could be sprayed on that flower that would, maybe, have a deleterious effect on the user, I guess. But the flower itself is not going to kill you no matter how you ingest it. And that brings me to this little piece of


Just watched "Live, Die, Repeat: Edge of Tomorrow" last night. Brilliant.

It's happening now in Myanmar/Burma and in Sri Lanka. Also in the Central African Republic.

Sorry, your deep cultural ignorance is deafening. Do you know any Muslims? I know quite a few and look one in the mirror every morning. NONE of the Muslims I know would ever dream of doing something like this. Just like every idiot who claims to hate gays because that's what Jesus wants doesn't add to nor take away

Kissenger, you're not. Can you expand on your analysis?