
He probably will get some type of visitation rights. One of the major reasons I didn't get an order of protection during my divorce is that my ex still gets a right to be a dad. All I could see happen from OFP would be pissing him off to the point of no return and because of our kiddo - he would still have a right to

Also, "50 Shades of Bey" also has a nice ring to it.

So what do people think about posthumously publishing an author's works? There are so many novels and other written works — and hell, symphonies too — published, often totally unfinished, after the author's death. Often, explicitly unfinished works. Is that wrong?

Mine just renewed at the $99 price and I cancelled it. Will add it again tomorrow :)

Mine just renewed at the $99 price and I cancelled it. Will add it again tomorrow :)

Same! I watched the movie as an adult (after watching it on repeat as a tiny kid) and it was like getting hit by the handsomest ton of bricks I've ever seen.

I work in film and TV and as such have had occasion to meet some big-timey actors. I used to pride myself on not getting flipped out or star-struck when I met a "name" - they're just doing their job and I'm just doing mine, ya know? Well, that bit of hubris bit me on the ass when I met Christopher Plummer on a set

When I watched that movie again for the first time since hitting puberty (which was actually when I was like 22*), all I could think was "Humina humina humina..." Talk about a revelation...


COME ON. So much yearning!

No lie. I actually started fanning myself when I scrolled down to this. My crush on him in this role will never die.

I think the current cast of 50 Shades of Grey could've benefited from modeling their performances on the dynamic of Christopher Pummer and Julia Andrews. The original rich-experienced-badboy making innocent-young-plucky-virgin blush film. You know Captain Von Trapp loves some BDSM style love. He will humiliate you

MINE TOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Honestly, no one makes my heart patter like Christopher Plummer as the Captain.

Slightly related: my parents went to see "The Sound of Music" on their first date.



Fun Fact: Age difference between Maria and The Captain is 25 years; age difference between Julie Andrews and Christopher Plummer is 6 years

He will probably be single soon! You'll have your shot then.

Still waiting for the "woah, this has way too much sodium in it so I'm putting it back" move.

Kate, admittedly existential question here, but are any of us really "good" at sex? I mean, besides with ourselves? Cause I can make myself come during a standard sitcom commercial break.