
Wouldn't it be fantastic if Miss Lebanon sent a big fuck you and said yes, I'm promoting world peace and gave Miss Israel a giant hug? Sure, she wouldn't be able to go home, but I dream of a world where women change it by shoving the hate away.

How are we "alienating our feminist supporters" by calling out a woman that completely degrades and trashes the word?

That they're comparing Iggy's (supposed) sex tape to Bill Cosby drugging and raping multiple women over decades is appalling.

My roommate and I knew we'd have a hard time motivating ourselves to go to a gym, especially in the winter, so we got mats and weights for our apartment. It's much harder to give excuses - there's no need to get dressed or drive anywhere. If we had more room, I'd love a stationary bike or something, but for now we

I switched to doing videos at home for a similar reason: it's already there for you, and you don't even have to get dressed.

That's because you only go on pizza night

I love your mom and want her to comment on all the things.

I remember showing that Madonna video to my mother when it came out and having to explain everything.

It's the only way sanctimonious queens and straight ladies can get their kicks these days.

You know you fucked up real bad when even George W. Bush, and Bill O'Reilly find it "hard to understand" why you didn't indict the officer, with a video of the murder, and a use of a banned technique.

I'd say that women up here have it better than women in the US in terms of access to birth control and reproductive freedom, health care, etc. And in this particular instance, the reaction to Ghomeshi was swift and IMHO, appropriate. That being said, we have a very long way to go. December 6 is fast approaching and

You wanna see some serious denial, paranoid freak outs, and cowardly behavior? Check out this narrative of a journalist who dined with Ghomeshi back in September when Ghomeshi was dodging the journalists questions about sexual misconduct.

Oh yes, I got that. But I mean, even if he gets that it's obvious that lots of people hate women without killing them, this guy STILL didn't manage to draw the same conclusion that that untrained monkey would've!

She can't hear herself sing. Any singer will tell you if they can't hear themselves sing, they can't gauge where they are. It's like flying without any instruments and just looking out the window hoping you don't bump into something like the ground. To be honest, she's out of shape. Gasping for air. Like she smokes.

i signed up for an account just so I could "like" this.

She fiddles with her earpiece a few times and then takes it out...wonder if that caused her to be thrown off a bit, in addition to just not quite being able to reach the same notes anymore live.

I have that reaction pretty much every time Deadspin runs one of these isolated vocal articles. The significant majority of readers laughing about this couldn't touch any of these notes if their lives depended on it.

Tell Santa to put on some Bing Crosby.

Judging by the amount of times she touches her ear, isn't it clear that the problem was that she couldn't hear herself? Granted, she reaches for a few notes that aren't there, but I kind of feel for her.

How many personalities does Randy Marsh have?!