
“for what good is a man’s efforts if he cannot show his spectacle to the world as proof of his singular awesomeness?” Nothing like a little Guy Debord on a Monday morning. Thanks!

Probably also little North gets a kick out of doing something she sees Mommy doing - kids love to emulate.

Yeah or like - in feelings, money, anything - “I have invested so much in this thing based on a certain set of assumptions, that it I NEED these assumptions to be true and am therefore doubling down on my commitment to them.” Like, this is how people keep sending money to “lovers in trouble overseas ” whom they have

I read about this, I think it’s called the “sunken cost fallacy.”

But - clearly, you are a product of your country that you went there... and I mean that in nothing but a nice way. :)

This is the plot-line drumbeat that just keeps KUWTK moving along (but never really going anywhere). Scott in the doghouse is like 2/3 of the show over the course of its many seasons...

I just want to stop being called upon to police my own language ostensibly for my own good...

Yea, I don’t know what happens elsewhere but... gonna go out on a limb and venture that six-tired cakes really only happen at one kind of event...

Meh. Sounds like Swift just wants to retain a reasonable degree of control over her image and where and how it is used.

In that bathtub, she’s like the spitting image of Morrissey in the “Suedehead” video...

And hey, her male lead will only be 11 years older than her so, ‘progress’ there too...

I believe that’s on par with the population as a whole (unfortunately; one is too many, etc.).

Yes, let’s talk about that font. I think it answers the question of “what kind of people would do this?” pretty neatly...

It’s all so, so bad and we even KNEW it was going to be bad, and yet, it’s worse than even all that, apparently...

That is interesting. I like American Apparel for labor and environmental reasons even while I think their advertising is lame... I had a bunch of their t-shirts until someone stole them out of my apartment building dryer....

Thanks, you should do an edit! It’s knowledge by consensus after all. :)

So, according to Wikipedia, this building housed several factories that made clothes for: