
I think he definitely needs treatment! But it needs to be cognitive behavioral therapy so that he can learn to actually empathize with others and take responsibility for his own actions. “Sin” and “temptation” are not to blame for him molesting those little girls or for his extramarital affairs: only he is to blame

According to the lawsuit, neighbors went to animal control agencies at every level of government hoping to find someone to intervene. No one did. A petition signed by 51 neighbors filed a petition with the city of Seattle failed to prompt action.

I began experimenting with hypnosis around the same time my (now ex) wife began to remember being abused by her mother.

Seriously. I'm sure it's like a one on one Gymboree class and, logistically, for them it probably is easier to have someone come to their house. As someone who's not naturally inclined to being active, without a background in sports as a kid I definitely wouldn't be as open to working out as I am now (endorphins are

That’s stuff a kid would like to do anyway, not a difficult workout. And it sounds like the trainer is Kim’s, and is just allowing North to get involved in the workout. Misleading headline in misleading. This is actually a cute story.

So... she has one her trainers teach North basic, age appropriate exercises twice a week? BURN THE WITCH! I can’t see a reason to snark about this. I think there’s nothing wrong with giving young kids a good groundwork for health and fitness. It would be one thing if he was putting a two year old through ridiculous

are we done pretending American Hustle was good, at least

As in, “I’ve spent so much time and effort on this person that if I leave now I’ll be emotionally shortchanged?”

oh, a Canadian, I’m a little embarrassed that this is what we’re “tops” at... :/

They score extra points with me for not dressing Prince George in an uncomfortable toddler suit.

Alcoholic popsicles, then?

Add some alcohol and it’s like we are living my dream scenario.

I swear there was a huge uptick when the schools got out. Call me old fashioned but I used to spend my summer vacations trying to make out with people, eating popsicles and throwing rocks in lakes. KIDS THESE DAYS

poop emoji stolen from interwebz, for commentary.

I really don’t think laws always need to reflect ethics. Laws regarding intellectual property typically benefit corporations who use litigious wankery to make money.

Do we really want our laws to mirror our ethics, though? It seems to me that this isn’t always desirable. I think it is unethical to be a communist, but I don’t want it to be illegal to be a communist. This is just one example among many.

Whenever anything points out how men get away with so much, the trolls always follow. Any threat to the existing system is met with force.

That comes awfully close to appropriating ideas and themes explored in my recently completed piece “VENGEANCE!”:

Believe me. Everyone knows. It’s just not that difficult to figure out. Also, Gawker Media ... If you’ve ever been here before, we have some Class A trolls. If you are Zak, or one of his buds, you should go look at their work. It’s skillful and evil at the same time. They have a standard here that you are not meeting.

Kewl asshat can’t defend the mysogonistic practices and highlighted in this article but wants to be sure their hate and fear of and for women shines through so insults appearance. In a super lame way.