
It had to be giffed. <3

She writes beautifully. This is the entry that got me full on sobbing:

I'm so sorry for your loss, Nora. Thank you for reading; Purm is an honorary Jezebel Hero.

Thank you for writing this Rebecca. Purm was also a badass feminist and loved Jezebel.

I work in the Minneapolis ad community* and this story has ripped through us like a tornado these past months. If you haven't already, I highly suggest you check out Nora's blog. It will make you cry but it will also make you laugh more than you could ever think. And sometimes that's just what you need. Real talk and

I feel like I can never get a flight attendant to slow down in the aisle to stop long enough to take my one cup that's preventing me from putting my tray table back up to toss - and that's when they're carrying the garbage bag up & down the aisle for that very purpose.

I'm a singer myself, and firmly believe there is a time and place for singing. Airplanes are not that place.

Yeah, can’t I just get to my destination without someone trying to fill my life with joy?

"That's cute that you are trying to get a record contract, but I would like a drink."

I'm possibly an overly grumpy traveler (I'm definitely overly grumpy today, anyway) but no amount of talent would make me happy that person was singing on an airplane.

You should come to my house and eat cheeses with me.

Yeah, this is the height of stupidity. Sure, blame us, you old fuckers, it's not like you fucked everything up in the first place, and now we have to pick up the pieces.

That's funny, I'd actually like to join my family for Thanksgiving but my company (run by Boomers) decided that we simply MUST be open on Thanksgiving. Ergo, myself and many other Millennials are stuck working to satisfy the Boomers' appetite for any scrap of money to be had.

Not a millennial but close and my husband always says we already have two mortgages: our student loans from professional schools. So maybe that factors into not buying a house!

She looks...better.