I'm pretty sure she's being scolded for the right reasons: i.e. being an oversharing, solipsistic, privileged twit who thinks every damn thought that crosses her brain is a Precious Pearl That Needs to Be Expressed to the World.
I'm pretty sure she's being scolded for the right reasons: i.e. being an oversharing, solipsistic, privileged twit who thinks every damn thought that crosses her brain is a Precious Pearl That Needs to Be Expressed to the World.
Yeah, they aren't bad for an old Russian dude.
Is anyone actually surprised that Lena Dunham would make a Planned Parenthood endorsement All About Lena? Check out the difference in font size between "Lena" and "Planned Parenthood."
Eight women, all different, from different walks of life. One a semi-popular television actress...
(Female/feminist) musicologist here. Unfortunately, the argument that's set forth in this documentary doesn't actually check out. :-( Anna Magdalena was a copyist for Bach, and there's no musical evidence (despite Jarvis's rumblings) suggesting that those three pieces were written by anyone but Bach. As for the…
Huh????!!! I don't think you know much about my country enough to even try to compare it to the US and a lot has happened since 1994.... Um. Quick recap: We 'got over' the race issue on the most part. Currently we're battling classism, violent organized crime (commited against all races- it's all about the colour of…
I'm not familiar with South African sentencing precedents, and ten months seems like a pitiful length of time to serve for what Pistorius did. But five years does seem reasonable, given Judge Masipa's verdict. And I realise this isn't a popular feeling, but Masipa's finding was probably the right one.
They should set it in the '70s with Helen Gurley Brown and a very hairy Burt Reynolds. IMHO.
I agree with her mostly although ...
"Why don't women just tell us when they're not interested????" -Reddit
Why did I have to scroll down this far to see this referenced? lol
She's trying to make lemonade, and step 1 is squeezing some fucking lemons out of the fuckups who are responsible for this mess.
Something tells me this will go down as her crowning achievement.
instead of talking about how fucked up this is in so many ways, or about the prevalence of plastic surgery in sk, i will talk about something more important, like how my new life goal is to have this sentence be written again, sometime in the future, about me:
I think his suit looks great on him. It's August and that is clearly a summer suit. I think a badass bright tie would have made it look even more amazing. In conclusion, he looks good and people are stupid.
May we all have such a towel so we can get laid when we need the orgasms for cramp control.