
And once again, the photos are cheap crap that any dickwad with a point-and-shoot and a moderately steady hand can achieve.

That's just good business sense.

uh... and you didn't take that?????

Yay hundreds of people who aren't Woody Allen are now unemployed!!!!! Yay!!!! Stick it to 'em!!!!

Nobody is shaming him or punishing him. The school said he was a victim and he won't be fired. They are trying to find out who did it so that person can be prosecuted.

I'd like to live in a world where you don't assume that the person who the photos are of is female ^ (especially when the article clearly says "he" and "Mr.")

It helps to read the story...even just a little.

My vote is- if someone smacks you in the genitals, you have a free pass. I didn't watch the video though, because I was worried I might be subjected to Tim McGraw's music.

Ok, thank you! It's gone, and it seems like the rest of them are, too!

Internet hugs for anyone that was triggered! That ass is pretty much the worst.


Please dismiss frasketballs; we are reporting him as of now, but you can dismiss the VERY graphic gif as it is in response to your comment.

(also, yes, completely agree with your comment!)

"Good for her" is not where I would go with this.

L'Oreal stopped testing on animals? I DID NOT KNOW THIS!!!

I think you nailed it right there. I think a lot of people are really mad that women are now quite free to do with their bodies and lives as they please and they can, sometimes, have justice for anything ranging from rape to sexist comments. I think a lot of the things that are going on right now in the media are some


Good for you! I've always wanted to give it a try but never really known where to start. What genre are you writing?

As a single woman living alone, I feel each year more and more that I am, of course, the boogeyman of right wing politics in the states. There I am jumping out at every corner! MAYBE having non-committal sex and NOT having to pay for it with pregnancy! And everyone knows when I cry rape what I mean is I'm out of sorts

Despite the boys' rampant dipshittery, "over 30 state representatives, senators, and current and former statewide elected officials visited the boys," according to BOR.

Well yeah, but Kirk is so emotional, he might as well be a chick, amirite?

Nope. But when I was there, liberal priests who were more prominent and visible on campus kind of downplayed the whole "no birth control" thing and played up the whole "social justice/community" thing.