
LOL, point taken

I hope we all reserve judgement on what the mother should or shouldn't have done and just enjoy this really freakin' adorable video of a kid doing kid stuff. My ovaries explode for cute little baby voices :3

David Bowie should be so lucky.

From what I saw of this story yesterday, this was the first time this woman decided to go jogging. She's like a super-jogger.

. . . the boat, probably angry that it was being left out of the fun, . . .

Watch the "nobody cares" if you don't know absolutely everyone. PJ's last two albums are amazing. There are quite a few of us out there who enjoy them, so the "nobody" thing isn't supported.

Can't stop looking. Also learning how to spell his name.

Who picked out the perfect color uniform to light up that loveliness? I think they need a bonus.

everyone just needs to follow this woman's Instagram:

Mousa Dembele, Belgium

Police: Can you describe the robber?

I try to explain to people younger than me, what Tiffani-Amber Thiessen meant to pre-teen girls in the early 90's. Like, we all wanted to be just like her, even though we knew we didn't have a shot in hell. I bought fucking floral shortalls and wore them with a raspberry colored t-shirt, for fuck's sake.

The quick wit we've come to expect from Honey Boo Boo

No, Eugenics is the idea of stopping genetic traits (like race, physical disability, etc) from continuing. In this case they are saying that he, personally, is not fit to be a father. Just like CPS takin away children and advising you that future children will be taken at birth.

I don't know that I agree with eugenics. It is something I have wanted to see for serial child abusers. I don't think it is preventing his genes from passing on so much as telling him that having children is a privilege, one that they don't deserve. Not sure what it has to do with this case though.

He didn't have to accept the deal.

Early 2000s. No explanation necessary.

Um, this decade? SAY NO TO NORMCORE