
"Then one day you go to your friend's house and, by chance, you discover that he has been storing your private conversations, your photos, your videos, and basically every bit of personal info you share with him. Everything. Would you be creeped out? Then imagine that, on top of that, you discover that he has been

I'd laugh my ass off at a shirt that actually said any of those things.

I just showed this to my boyfriend and he laughed and said he'd wear it. He does have a belly (looks about 2nd trimester) a great sardonic wit, and zero body image issues. In that context, I'd actually like it, because it is so obviously sexist.

Thank ya kindly! I think its partly because my parents were very "we'll let you do you, and we'll always be there to help, but if you fuck up we will know and you will learn from it"

sure do. And why not? All of our computers are in the living room (and considering he's usually on my laptop, im always there, and he gets really excited to show me stuff anyway, so I see all) but he's also obsessed with weather and whatnot, so he googles. I have folders of tornado and hurricane pictures on my

my 6 year old went through a phase recently where he was obsessed with slender man. He came across a minecraft mod for it then started googling. It didn't scare him too much, probably because we just insisted it was internet-folklore, which kinda worked to our advantage to teach him about the internet and its b.s.

How does one get from Ooo Creepy Internet Stories to LET'S STAB THIS GIRL 19 TIMES? This is like blaming heavy metal for Columbine.

Leave the good sea lord out of this.

I'm gonna guess that it was one of those deadpanned jokes like, "here's this woman who is going through a meltdown and this guy disarms her by coming over and pretending he is more important." And coming from Jon Hamm, who probably is already dressed up like Don Draper, I'm sure it really helped break the ice.

Nah, it's pretty funny. I imagine the effect is somewhat lost in text.

I think he was trying to distract her with humor, vis a via making it all about him instead.

Sorry. I disagree. Unless they are mentally ill, they should be tried as adults. Even my 5-year-old nephew knows that death is permanent. These two girls are more than old enough to understand that killing someone is not a game.

I agree that this is horrific, but would you really not have them tried as adults? They almost killed someone, and not even as like a heat-of-the-moment fight, but as straight up, pre-meditated murder. I wouldn't want this treated any differently than if they'd been 18.

"Good on 2 Million Bikers for meeting bare minimum standards of human decency, I guess."

Ehh... I'm really not convinced of much of the dialogue around this one at all, frankly. It's not that I don't think that there's normalized masculine violence (there is), but police also ignored the many many other violent shooters who didn't have MRA-laced bullshit added into the mix. Police tend to ignore most of

the video is quite informative for describing what rape is, if you ignore the fact that they're trying to show the opposite.

Wait ... does that mean the notice I got from the Female Body Inspector was also a scam? DAMNIT.

Yeah, she looks a bit silly because of he way she's posed, but I'm a fan, I'd say she pulls it off! :)