
I love the smell of false equivalency equivalence and Axe in a the morning.

I like this commercial. It's got a beautiful style, it's memorable, and it makes its point. That's what great ads are about.

That "bubble" is called the real world. Get over it.

Satire so absurd only an idiot could be offended! 10/10!

Truly, you are wise.

It's done by Germans what did you expect, they are the Japan of Europe.

Yes, don't wait until you're financially stable to have children, do it now! Quick! That old clocks a'tickin'! But also don't work to support your children...just wait for the money fairy.

I'm from New Zealand and I go to the cinema to watch a film... I didn't know it was weird. :/

This is super interesting, I actually converted to Islam three years ago and my family is Syriac Orthodox, but consider themselves Arabs, not Cannanites and I have some Maronite family members that consider themselves Phoenicians. But I have noticed that many people consider me more "ethnic", whatever that means,

I am Lebanese, and I am not sure if this same issue applies to the Syrian community as well, but I've noticed people's perception of race depends on religion more than appearance. For example, I'm Muslim and many people have told me that they perceive me as brown (I self-id as white, like I have pale skin and blue

There's a lot of hand-wringing about people with basically "Caucasian features" but who aren't lilly-white and maybe have slightly darker skin and darker hair and eyes, and who are often more hirsute and curvaceous. Italians, Greeks, Portuguese, Armenians, Persians, other Middle Easterners, some Latinos, a lot of

She probably does think of herself as white, but even if she didn't, her family's wealth will have insulated her to many of the negative things that POC face. She's more associated with money than with any particular race.

I'm starting to resent the term "ethnic looking". It's just another term that puts people of color in the "other" category. I'll be honest, when I first saw Kim Kardashian years ago, I thought she was a woman of color because of her hair color and body shape. But then I grew up and realized that, duh, white woman can

So, you're like a Jew in that respect: "white" until some bigot finds out you're "not". Then it gets all kind of special fun...

Right, but she's famously discussed her Armenian heritage, and Armenia is in the Caucasus region. She's literally Caucasian.

Right, and the "teenage blogger in Pakistan" has a name too.

I think it's difficult for most people to admit their ignorance the way that Kim Kardashian has with regard to racism. I don't understand the instinct to mock someone for this. Thinking that these issues are everyone else's problem is not actually that uncommon, especially for this generation. So good for her for

The boy from Florida? Does she mean Treyvon Martin? Could she not even google him?
