
Jesus Christ, how did I not realize this before.

She was obviously being sarcastic, but I get what you're saying. As a Black woman that is also kinda shaped like a juicebox (we apple shaped women literally gets NO love, but whatevs. I do have a bigger ass than her, but not by much... it helps that I'm just over 5ft), I kinda have this need to defend her since she

Faith is a fact.

Goddd, this is the exact kind of knee-jerk hatred for religious conservatives I've come to expect from this site. Representative Hickey is a wise and tolerant gentleman who does not discriminate against butts due to race, gender, or creed. He has enough love in his heart for all the butts.

I will never not care about who Rachel McAdams is seeing. I don't know why. I just want her to be happy. So weird.

Well you just keep holding out for Kate Upton! Soon those sexy baseball players she dates will lose their shine and she'll realize it's Jaegerdice she's been waiting for all her life.

I thought the same thing. I'm here to talk about moving on, and you're bringing doll houses constructed to look like where I spent a decade being tortured? Stop it, please. But as a journalist, I guessI see why, still it was in poor taste.

WTF were they thinking with that goddamn doll house? UG.

Willfully mispronouncing Beyonce's name like that is SUCH a microaggression (well probably not so micro). Basically he's saying that he will identify her as he pleases, in the context of a guy who understand French inflections but will not accept a different interpretation of the sound in reflection of her own

Jon Stewart making fun of Fox News = Chicken Soup for the Soul

I snorted at "Beywatch." Internet high-fives for all the Daily Show writers!

Chronologically, yeah. But since she's not human, she doesn't necessarily have to have the same limited age span or even show decline as she ages. Don't forget, Yoda was 900 years old when he died :3

Squirrels were attacking people taking selfies, and police were confiscating stereos of people who played Celine Dion on repeat. It was as close to karmic justice as humanity ever got.

Please tell me more about this magical time!

He could write jokes for Leno. And that is exactly why Leno is no longer on.

Huh. My immediate reaction was "yes, of course it is - it's very easy to avoid assaulting someone." I understand why people might read it in the context of rape culture/victim blaming, but I guess I am somewhat surprised that it's so problematic it must be taken down and not doubled down on as a "Yes, we mean it,


Right. Meanwhile, her mother's an avid supporter of Roman Polanski, who, unlike Allen, was actually charged with—-and pleaded guilty to—-having sex with a kid. But that's fine because they like Polanski, and they don't like Woody Allen.