
I can’t figure out what’s going in in the background which is apparently a wall of mirrors... didn’t this wedding cost a lot of money and happen in Italy or France? I expected the reception space to look you know, awesome...

Competence is really sexy. Come to think of it, it is THE thing that is sexy about the menfolk... well done, Hairpin.

Think an certain streak of cruel hilarity is every Briton’s birthright... 

I have to give to Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar a lot of credit for how it appears they handled this, going to the police. Sounds like the police fucked it up, which is unfortunate.

I’ve worked on family molestation cases and parents really, really don’t always handle this situation in this way...

Yea, that bit about getting him of f campus kind of ruins the “endurance art piece” for me. I worked as a crime victims ombudsman and it was often my job to kind of be the third party to explain justice outcomes to disappointed victims. As I said, the sad truth is - if the assault occurs as a sort of, switch from

Yea , I don’t know, women’s labor is undervalued relentlessly so this is kind of refreshing?

Plus if she admits there was consensual activity the mattress hardly had evidentiary value anyway. I personally think it as likely as not that she was raped, but hearing people talk about this case just shows how loud people who are fairly ignorant of criminal justice processes can be when something like this comes

Yea, you are spot on and that’s part of what bothers me. Now , I am sure there are areas where procedures can be improved - there usually are - but, having worked in victim services, let’s say you have a situation as here, where, the rape occurred during sexual activity that was otherwise consensual. Well,

I also don’t feel like I know enough about, what’s the best practice for a University sexual assault investigation, and how closely did Columbia adhere to or stray from that? That hearings happened at least seem to be a good thing.

I think the coverage of this has been pretty facile and not dealt with the nitty gritty

Like ANY episode of KUWTK - I think SOME of that conflict/angst coming from Khloe was played up for drama. I am not saying this in a judgey or disgusted way; it’s KUWTK, whipped drama is, as with any ‘reality’ show, simply a genre requirement...


Those bonding hormones must be pretty potent because if a human being I was not expecting came out of me one day, I would not be proud, I would be absolutely traumatized. Both by shame that I didn’t realize and by having to acclimate to how my life had changed, and I wasn’t ready for it.

For real. My sincere challenge to anyone who hates the Ks: stop talking about them. I DARE YOU!

Does anybody HONESTLY care about “where the truth is”? It’s entertainment. Get the popcorn out and enjoy the ride, or leave it alone.

A very, very small percentage of people who suffer from a mental illness are violent or will ever commit a violent crime.

This woman needs to be locked up like yesterday. Not for her good, for everybody else’s.

Think Stacy London probably meant A-line style...

A scene on KUWTK was manufactured after the fact? YOU DON’T SAY!

I think probably, mostly, Kris is just keeping anything she has to say about this close to the chest until she can use it as grist for the shows she controls. Not surprising, shocking or even especially newsworthy...

Maybe part of a bargaining strategy, hoping the prosecutor will blink and offer her a deal rather than go to trial. Drop a couple of the charges in exchange for a guilty plea to one....

"Monotony is the scourge of the solo liver." Worse than cirrhosis, I hear!

Just once: fully clothed influential token woman. Yea, I get she’s a ballet dancer, but still...