No, but one of the characters is the SEEMINGLY normal offspring of an absent, aged, unnamed rocker, the product of his union with a flamboyant lady in nowheresville... :)
No, but one of the characters is the SEEMINGLY normal offspring of an absent, aged, unnamed rocker, the product of his union with a flamboyant lady in nowheresville... :)
I think a lot of people get confused for precisely the same reason! :) Now you can help enlighten others!
Nope - it’s like “me” vs. “I” in any other context, one is the object pronoun (me), the other the subject pronoun (I).
The way you tell if it’s the proper use is to eliminate the “and so-and-so.”
You wouldn’t say “Khloe went to the mall with I,” you’d say “Khloe went to the mall with me.” Because in this sentence, “me”…
Isn’t this a subplot on OITNB?
I find the K’s to be benign entertainment but every time I’ve seen one of their shows my teeth do get on edge each time one of them says “so-and-so AND I,” when “so-and-so and me” is correct. “Khloe went to the mall with Scott and I.” NO NO NO NO NO NO.....
They do this a lot!
Yea, it’s crazy the lady-fertility time-ticking-away. I’m 32 so not exactly old but I’ve been written off kids if for no other reason than I can’t see myself getting settled and being with someone I want to have kids with by 34ish so as to get any pregnancies out of the way by 36. If I had dough I guess I’d freeze…
I agree IVF generally isn’t a direct comparison especially since I believe people should control their biological destiny to largest extent possible - so, I can see why an IVF cutoff has everything to do with chances of medical success. In my view, these means are in the service of people passing their own genetic…
Yea, I was wondering if that was the case and if the IVF was intended as a way around that... It’d be a convo-worthy inconsistency if one can receive donor eggs and sperm past an age at which adoption is usually deterred...
I’d be interested to hear from the lady herself why she chose this route for her next child; donor eggs as well as sperm were used. I’d just like to hear her speak as to why she preferred this to adoption. I don’t think she owes me or anyone else an answer, I would just honestly like to hear about her point of view on…
Just glancing through this ABC material and am a little confused by their use of the phrase “forced to go public, and “had to go public,” re: Mary Kay’s ‘affair’ with her student. Sometimes they say “became public” - but, I don’t know... like I can see why the sexual abuse became known to others due MK’s pregnancy,…
if I actually cared I would have taken two seconds to google it which, obviously, I did not...
Sorry, I’m just HAVE to post this because of how you worded your comment... :)
Part of me thinks there’s a missed opportunity here for talking about the need to get beyond the simplistic black-white understanding of American race relations, which often renders marginalized ethnicities that don’t neatly fit into either category completely invisible. Plying and articulating that so-called ‘grey…
Yuck. And so few Armenians in the world to carry on those cultural traditions... Seems too bad.
I totally read “collective intelligence” the wrong way and pictured 1D fans in secret, high-tech bunkers, comparing intel on what the band members eat, like, where they go, and who would be a good date for Donnie - or, whoever the hell it is that’s in that band...
This guy has been a ragingly obvious misogynic hack for as long as I can remember - it’s impossible for him to talk, in general, about women under 40 without betraying his belief that that they are a uniform mass of sex-crazed airheads. As much as he rags on a strawman Islam — he himself seems to suffer a rather…
Very cute. I’m surprised the Kardashians don’t celebrate the Eastern Orthodox Easter but I guess they got their religion from their mother instead of Robert Sr.
Maybe the Kylie pics are actually an elaborate joke about The Dress... is it black, is it gold?
You and your son dressed up as a married couple?
“Alien face” is where my mind went. Like, where are her Spiders from Mars?