
“Alien face” is where my mind went. Like, where are her Spiders from Mars?

Great, now will everybody please butt out? We have her international literary agent independently confirming Carter’s account of how the publication came to be, now a state agency concurs that the woman sufficiently knows what’s what... Just sorry she was subjected to this kind of intrusion.

Wait, which Dakota is Fargo in? See I lived next door in Minnesota for fifteen years and even I don’t give a fuck... Poor Dakotas!

I went with my parents to a Springsteen concert in Fargo - which google confirms for me is in North Dakota - and we went to Perkins before the show, the place was packed. My dad observed

I read once, a few years back, that if you have a regular bottled water habit - giving it up has a bigger impact on reducing your carbon footprint than giving up either your car or television.

Probably really though DJ is married with kids - possibly widowed - and Kimmy is living under the same roof in the capacity of goofy sidekick there to help raise them a la ‘uncle’ Joey...

She dated Bowie. Clearly, NO ONE...

Gee whiz, you are right. I mean, I have my entire career dealing with the criminal justice system, complete with hundreds of hours of seminars, training, CLEs, and research that go into that - on top of my day to day experience. But, what I REALLY need to get perspective on this, is to read an internet comment from

What I got out of this is that she makes the same money per hour as the people who serve her in WA and feels she shouldn't have to share her paltry lot with them for receiving a service from them, similar to what she provides others tip-free.

If she resents this and thinks the work is so similar, I'd suggest exploring

When it comes to racism and sexism I think Texas is actually probably a pretty good equivalent for France...

I spent a month in Paris and had a charming time but I definitely observed that folk there are subtle in everything except their bigotries.

That damn Teddy!

Kris's in their shadow, the afterthought, because her talk show crashed and burned. Not like she didn't try...

This plus the internet confirms for me that we've just plain run out of smart people. Time to watch TV, eat Hostess brand treats, drink booze, and fornicate 'til this species just runs itself into the ground.

I swear to god, that paragraph made me stupider. What do MY polka dots do in the face of a challenge?

Sure, hon, what I was commenting on was Mark's declaration, "I've never experienced something like this and, you must understand, I desperately, desperately want to." I don't.

I have the exact opposite feeling about planes - I'm captive tens of thousands of feet above the ground, and can't escape! DO NOT subject me to your fine but unspectacular rendition of "Royals."

I get what you mean though - sure someone somewhere has written about the magic of interstitial spaces, being neither here