
So the people born from Italian immigrants, in St. Louis, are less Italian than the people born from Italian immigrants in NY or Boston? You guys are assholes. I have a healthy disdain for fly-over country but a lot of this is "my provincialism is better than your provincialism."

I KNOW! I guess he writes grown-up books too that you can pick up at Target. But, hadn't thought about him since that summer I binge-read the Goosebumps series when I like, twelve. I wish I could vocalize for/show everyone the way she said it with a little toss of her head on the last syllable and the self-satisfied

Oh gosh, true story, I had a job in a call center years ago and one slow night, this lady,who was kind of new, we'll call her, Lady R, was saying that she didn't have anything to read. The gal who sat next to me - who we'll call Lady Y - had like half her home library on her desk and was always loaning me books. So,

I blame reality tv.

I don't want an idea. A decade and half in Minnesota was purgatory enough.

"this woman has the bravery to double down..."

Yea, I'm SURE this nutjob is a hero in her own mind. Congrats?

I had a confrontation similar to this with some bitch who thought her plastic bag from the drugstore needed its own seat on a crowded train. I was with my boss at the time who said to me, "that's rude." (We're

"The Florida-ness of all this really cannot be understated."

Yea, that one lady's like to the filmmaker, "you lick stones. What you don't do that?"

Did anyone go down with the ship? If so, doesn't that kind of make it... grave robbing, or ghost wine or something? Anyway, everyone's definitely haunted now... no, I don't really think this, but might get started on the screenplay...

Right? I mean, on the contrary, it seems that 50 paid for the um, privilege? I am guessing the Civil War/historical dimension was the appeal - connecting with history, etc - cause, I mean... yuck.

Intersting. I used Opera for years, switched to Chrome, and just re-downloaded Opera last month as I moved to Argentina and my apartment internet connection is kind of like when you're at a coffee shop and the connection's slow cause so many people are on it. That 'turbo' feature DOES make a difference. Will have to

Minnesota and Wisconsin have really strong progressive/liberal traditions - the occasional nut job like Walker notwithstanding. I wasn't surprised that WI had passed this law.

Way more interesting than any data Porn Hub has made public. Well, no, not REALLY....

By summing up what you hate about this dude, you've given the world an accurate snapshot of about 60% of the age-20is American white boys that ever were since about, 1980 (give or take a few cultural trends appropriate to whatever decade). Which yea, that probably is why it's weird he'd have a rising star. Is this

It's almost as though, a government agency was much more equipped to handle a serious problem than a private citizen was. Hmmmm.....

Yea, that six year old girl was such a totally unmanageable threat to those teenage boys. Otherwise they never would have given her to that rapist. Blame the victim much?

You know, if people who were less well-connected than the State Rep here is adopted a small child then turned around and gave her to someone who

She looks so great and used 'literally' in the accurate, formal sense re: her knees buckling. Seems like a nice lady.

Think I'll take the silver lining on this one: one voice of conscience CAN make a difference in our system... :)

Seriously though prunes are like a superfood.