
I hear ya! I mean I love the oral contraception and the running water but campfires, small wandering family units, and boundless awe do sound like a nice escape...

It's actually rare in a case that you have something like DNA or fiber analysis or whatever to build your case on. Like Karyn said, most cases are built on circumstantial evidence - and if you asked me what made the difference in the majority of case I've seen charged, it's good police interviewing where they are able

Yea, I've heard that there's a gender bias in the application of the death penalty. This is interesting:

"Death sentences and actual executions for female offenders are rare in comparison to such events for male offenders. In fact, women are more likely to be dropped out of the system the further the capital punishment

Oh someone said/created something tasteless relating to ISIS. Time to clutch my internet pearls and pretend I did something about ISIS's victims...

Oh, good, I was hoping Weinerparty showed up for this after the "too much peen" and "hung jury" remarks on the Arias article... :)

Columbia House CDS... Mark you're tipping your hand on you age, dear!

Odd yellow finger nail tone in the photo has me wondering if these folks have jaundice. Kind of wishing y'all just went for the Titanic screenshot everyone wants to see anyway. Draw me like one of your French girls, Jack...

Love your screenname btw, gonna have to try that sometime...

Think death is out, the jury needs to rule on that, the AP report quoted above says, "It means the judge will sentence Arias on April 13 to either life in prison or a life term with the possibility of release after 25 years."

So, I hope for Alexander's family that they find comfort and that she isn't out in 25 years...

Yes! So happy for her! I think of her reporting from the Repub Convention in St. Paul, MN - 2008 - asking attendees about Miss Palin's pregnancy and trying to get them to use the very obvious word they were all avoiding, "choice." She's hilarious and unremitting.

I think my expectations were unreasonably high because its name is also the title of that Hole song, which I happen to really like...

Yup, the article I linked to, I thought, had an interesting discussion on all this and on some of the differing ways she was depicted by media.

Why not? After "Jennifer's Body" what does she have to lose?

Oh, honey, my field victim services, don't get me started on 'the CSI effect.' :/ The fetish around forensic evidence has actually started to prevent cases from being charged in the first place in some jurisdictions...

Sure, and they were tried in different states that have different statues and separate legal sanctions, customs, and jury instructions and processes —it's comparing apples to oranges. The comparison doesn't originate from myself or even with the LA Weekly article: the article was a reaction to a pundit who DID lump

Interesting. The LA Weekly article actually takes some of the 'hot-blooded, vengeful' Latina coverage of the case to task — after also taking another reporter to task for, on the other hand, lumping Arias together with Casey Anthony as 'two beautiful white women' who mesmerized a nation. And of course, Anthony, who

Yup, and the article goes into that, with a linked article going further into it still, in fact. That said, the hashtag struck me as erasing her ethnic identity.

I often find myself thinking that such-and-such a murderer deserves to die but the justice system is supposed to be in some measure, a triumph over these kinds of atavistic feelings. Precisely why the death penalty should never be a legal sanction.

Hope she spends the rest of her life incarcerated; she really didn't

I know right? Couldn't be that she has a lawyer and literary agent she prefers to deal with and fuck everybody else. No, no, no, it's a conspiracy! They're exploiting her! Must go tell the Twitter-verse I saw this injustice first...